

  • 分類\ 校園
  • 時間\ 2019-08-05



building stone


boundary stone of monumental or building stone (excl. slate, marble, travertine and alabaster)

界石[紀念碑用或建築用,石料制的(不包括板巖、大理石、凝灰石和蠟石)] The brick house was faced with stone.

這座磚房石料貼面。The monument was fronted with stone.

紀念碑的正面是石料做的。People often don't appreciate that marble is a natural stone.

人們經常不瞭解大理石是一種天然石料。Natural stone, weathering phenomena, conservation strategies, and case studies

天然石料的風化現象,保存策略及實例研究 of the blocks came from the east bank of the Nile, and they were taken across the river in boats at flood time.

石料多取自尼羅河東岸,漲洪水時人們用船將石塊運過河。An open excavation or pit from which stone is obtained by digging, cutting, or blasting.

採石場通過挖掘、切割或爆破巖石來獲取石料的露天坑道或洞Its competitors such as stone, brick, metal and plastic are all derived from exhaustible mineral sources


n. 巖石,石頭,石料;石塊,寶石,鑽石;果核;英石(英國重量單位)

v. 向(某人)扔石塊,用石頭砸;去掉果核

Level the city stone by stone to an extinct waste.

一塊石頭一塊石頭地夷平該市,使它成為一片沒有人煙的荒原。And then he continued to dig for his son, stone by stone.

然後繼續挖掘,掀開了一塊一塊的石頭尋找他的兒子。The lane to the garden was overlaid with stones.

通往花園的小徑上鋪了一層石子。There is no give in a stone floor.

石頭鋪的地面毫無彈性。 The white boy stoned me.

白人男孩向我扔石塊。 building是什麼意思:

n. 建築物,房屋;建築業

Buffer buildings

緩衝建築物 building elevation

建築立面 This is a substantial building.

這是個堅固的建築物。The building or buildings occupied by such a school or institution.

校舍這樣一個學校或學院的`建築或建築羣 This area has a lot of masonry building, brick building, adobe building.



