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英文説課稿 篇1


1. 教材內容

本節教材重點圍繞節日展開,圍繞人們經常如何度過節日展開話題。本課時要求學生能掌握四個節日National Day, Halloween, Christmas, Spring Festival 及句型What do people usually do at …? I… .並能自由交流如何度過假日。在本課中did引導的一般疑問句及回答也是新知之一。因為在前面第三單元己出現了be 動詞的過去式,所以學生在學習的時候這方面比較容易掌握。


本節課所選的教學內容是牛津國小英語6A Unit 6。本單元教學圍繞節日兒展開的。在詢問節日這部分,學生已有了前面第三單元的知識鋪墊,比較易於深入與擴展。這樣的安排,既體現了教材循序漸進、由難到易的編排意思,又符合學生的知識水平和認知水平。關於人們如何度過節日這一話題,特別是西方的節日,。則需要學生課後及時收集資料。在實際教學中,本課採用舊話題先教新句型,再用句型引新知的方式展開,這樣既便於學生接受掌握,也體現了教學內容之間的連貫性。


1. 教學目標


[認知目標] 學生能聽、説、讀短語及單詞:visit relatives and friends , go to parties, dress up in costumes, ware masks , make pumping lanterns, eat lots of delicious food , National Day, Christmas, Halloween, Spring Festival , favourite ; 能運用 When's … ? What do people usually do at …? Did you…last …? Yes , I did./ No, I didn't.等進行口語交際。


[情感目標] 通過活動、遊戲使學生產生學習英語的興趣;讓學生敢於、樂於開口,積極參與交流。並讓學生在學習的過程中,培養他們的合作意識和競爭意識。

2. 教學重難點



1. 教法設計


2. 學法指導


3. 教學手段



1.熱身( Warm up)

(1)宣佈本節課的學習方式:小組競賽。以座位分成四個參賽小組,按每個同學的課堂表現為本組加星,課末評出WINNER。然後,開始“每課一句”,本節課所教授的句子是“Lite is long if you know how to use it.”

[設計意圖] 學習方式的宣佈讓學生對本節課充滿了興趣,激起了他們的鬥志和為本組爭星的表現欲。“每課一句”是我在六年級開始每堂課上設置的一個必備環節。這個環節主要教學生一些妙言警句。這些句子既豐富了學生的詞彙量,提高了他們的表達能力,同時也讓他們學到了地道的英語表達方式。從而為學習英語創設一個良好的氛圍。

2.以舊帶新 [lead in ]

提供話題Birthday,師生自由交流,然後用“How do you spend your birthday?”引出本課的新句型“What do you do on your birthday?” 進而再導入“ Did you … last birthday? ”及回答。然後用Colour 話題引出句型My favourite …

[設計意圖] 通過舊知識滾出新知識,是我常用的教學方法之一。以舊帶新,學生可以比較輕鬆地掌握本課的句型。同時把新的句型和老話題融合一起。有助於培養學生的語言思維能力的開放性。

3.呈現、操練(Presentation, Practice)

承接Colour話題,引出第一個節日:National Day。利用課件呈現中國國旗。教師引導的話如下:

T:My favourite is red . Because Chinese flag is red . The main colour in China is red on important days. I love China , so I like red. I like red , because I'm from china. Do you like China? Do you like red now?

S: Yes…

T: Do you know my country's birthday?

S: The first of October.

T: What holiday is on that day?

S: National Day.

[設計意圖] 找到話題與所授新知的契合點,讓學生很自然地從一個話題向另一個話題過渡,從而開始了本節課Holiday的話題。同時英語並不是僅僅是一種工具,它是能夠表現出情感的。在此由紅色引出中國,由中國引出它的生日,簡單的幾句帶有感染力的話就能激發學生的愛國熱情。

接着用在談論生日時所學的句型讓學生談論一下國慶節,使所學知識處於不斷的滾動複習鞏固之中。用Guess 猜下一個節日Halloween.猜出來之後,利用謎面鍛鍊學生聽與説的能力。



[設計意圖] 在課中關注學生的注意力的放鬆。高輸入量的學習會讓學生很快有疲勞的感覺,從而降低學習效率。在此環節,設計了CHANT 和一段瞭解性文字的閲讀,就是給學生創設了一段休息的時間。然後再根據高年級學生的英語閲讀能力的培養需要,適時進行一篇短文閲讀。

聖誕節後進行春節的教學。用一封來自外國朋友的信引出春節。這是一個美國的朋友,她先介紹了一下人們如何過聖誕的情況,然後向中國的朋友問了三個有關春節的問題:What holiday is the popular holiday in China? When is it ? What do people do on that day? 教師讓學生四人一組討論後再反饋回答。

[設計意圖] 在這兒出現了一封的書寫方式,同時很好地導出了下面的內容,教師給學生提供了廣闊的自由想像和發揮的空間,讓學生運用所學的語言進行擴展性的練習。

4. 拓展、鞏固(Extension , Consolidation)

(1) Listen and number

(2) Say out the holiday


(3) Try your best


[設計意圖] 檢查一節課的教學效果,課外知識的拓展,豐富學生的知識面。選做題的設置,再次調動起學生的積極性。本來無望獲勝的小組,此時又有了一次機會,不甘失敗的心理會讓他們充分發揮潛能;而本來勝利在望的小組,此時又有了危機感,讓他們不敢掉以輕心。於是一場比拼實力的競爭又在無形之中展開了。他們不斷調動出潛能,能於同學互幫互助,一種為本組爭光的主人翁意識也在不斷膨脹中。從而形成了一個積極的參與氛圍。

5 課後作業(Homework)

(1) Look and write

(2) 用至少五句話介紹一個節日。

[設計意圖] 鞏固所學,將課內的學習延伸到課外。

英文説課稿 篇2

一、説教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material

1. 説課型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision)

2. 本課在教材中的地位 status and function

Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability.

3. 説教學指導思想 teaching guideline

(Teaching syllabus:

Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills:

develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model)

4. 説教學目標和要求 Teaching aims and demands (…be intended for Ss in key schools)

1)認知目標 knowledge objects

a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:

Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into

b. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:

If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left…

Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.

c. Activate Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about the problem of pollution.

2)智能目標 ability objects

a. Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue.

b. Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.

c. Develop their ability of thinking independently.

d. Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.

e. Train them to collect information from the Internet.

f. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ss’ learning results.

3)德育目標 moral objects

a. Arouse their interest in learning English;

b. Help them to understand the background of pollution.

c. Enable the students to love our earth and the nature.

d. Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting our environment.

e. Encourage the Ss to do something to save the earth.

5. 説教學重點 teaching important points (生詞、句型;培養閲讀技能)

a. New words and phrases

b. Sentence pattern:

If- clause

c. improve their reading skills.

d. Talking about problems of the Earth.

6. 説教學難點 teaching difficult points (語法;發展交際能力)

a. functional item:


b. Develop their communicative ability. Act out their own dialogue.

7. 説教具 teaching aids (multi-media computer, software, OHP)

The teaching syllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. It’s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. It can also make the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. At the same time, it arouses the Ss’ interest in learning English.

二、説教法 Teaching methods

Five step method; audio-video; communicative approach;

Task-based learning:

New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method. TBLT can stimulate Ss’ initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.

三、説學法 Study methods

1. Teach Ss how to be successful language learners.

2. Teach Ss how to develop the reading skill — skim & scan; how to communicate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;

3. Get the Ss to form good learning habits.

四、説教學過程Teaching procedures

I. 複習 (Revision) 5min (Daily report; 詞彙diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata)

Activity 1:


1) Suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (Wash it? Or throw it away?)

2) Suppose you catch a bad cold, what’s to be done?

3) Suppose your bike is broken, what’s to be done?

4) And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what’s to be done?

* What can you think of when you see "pollution" this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate… Try to activate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.)

II. 呈現 (Presentation) 5min

Activity 2:


Play the song "Earth Song" sung by Michael Jackson. (Create an atmosphere)

A lot of pictures and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.

Ss’ presentation on pollution. Attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for communication.

* Activate their schemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from the Internet and develop their ability in thinking independently.

III. 對話 / 閲讀 (Dialogue)18m

1. Pre- reading

Activity 3:


1st listening/ fast reading, one guided Q to help Ss to get the main idea:

What do you think is discussed at the conference?

2. While- reading

Activity 4:

Read and answer

2nd listening/ careful reading, more Qs to get the detailed information. Develop their reading skills:

skim & scan. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress & intonation.

* 閲讀: Pre-reading; while-reading; post-reading (fast reading/ careful reading; skim/ scan; 識別關鍵詞key words;確定主題句;創設信息差information gap;T or F; 填表格chart/diagram; Predicting; Make a timeline; Make a story map.達到對課文的整體理解和掌握。So that they can have a good understanding of the whole text.)

3. Post- reading

Activity 5:

Language focus

While Ss are answering the Qs, the teacher deals with some key language points.

a. is being caused b. and so on c. go on doing

d. be fit for e. standing room f. if- clause

IV. 操練 (Practice) 10m

Activity 6:


Use your own words to retell the dialogue in the 3rd person.

Activity 7:

Acting out

Activity 8:

Drill – Supposition


Practise the functional item of Supposition. (P. 33 Part 2; P.113, wb Ex. 3)

(Retell; act out; role play)

V. 鞏固 (Consolidation) 6m

(Discussion; interview; press conference; debate; quiz)

Activity 9:

role play

Suppose you were head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversation and ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class.

* The Ss are encouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if- clause, etc.

Activity 10:


Think of the question:

Are we causing damage to the world?

What should we do to save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life?

Collect their answers and form a report.

VI. 作業 (Homework) 1m (Writing; continue the story; recite; retell)

Write a letter to the mayor, telling him sth. about the pollution around your school.

A Brief Instruction to the topic of "What should I do?"

Shangyuan Middle School Li Yi Cai

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is LiYiCai. I come from Shangyuan Middle School in y I’m going to talk about the topic" What should I do?"I will divide the instruction into seven parts:

they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures.

Part 1 Teaching material analysis

This period is from Unit 3 of 9A Oxford English. First of all,I’d like to talk about my understanding about this have learned Star sings in Unit 1 and Colours and moods in Unit have also learned how to write a formal recommendation letter and how to write a report on the moods of people in last two y we are going to learn two letters to a famous youth worker about Millie’s and Simon’s this unit links with a special meaning of Unit 1 and Unit period is the first lesson of main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following this period is very important in this unit.

Part 2 Teaching aims

of the knowledge:

(1)To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases.

(2)To learn something about Millie’s and Simon’s problems.

(3)To grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to talk to others about one’s problems and how to deal with them.

of the ablilities:

(1)To improve the ability of getting information by reading.

(2)To improve the ability of retelling the story.

of the emotion:

(1)To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.

(2)To ask for advice to solve the problems.

Part 3 Teaching emphasis

master the ‘to’-infinitives and ‘wh-’words+‘to’-infinitives.

get the ability of general reading and getting information.

Part 4 Teaching difficulties

recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.

ask for advice

Part 5 Teaching methods

In this topic,I will use five-step Teaching Method and Task-based language Teaching.I design some tasks to help the students learn.I think if I want to improve the students’ oral English,I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work,group work to let the students take an active part in all kinds of is "Learning by doing,learning by using" the students be the masters of the class teaching,thus,student-centered teaching method is well shown.

Part 6 Teaching aids

Projector,slide show,tape recorder and blackboard

Part 7 Teaching procedure

Step Ⅰ。Lead-in

The purpose is to arouse the students’interest of study.

Let’s have a free talk.

T:Have you got problems?


T:What is it?

S:Eating too much makes me unhealthy.

T:What about you?


Step Ⅱ。Presentation

The purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles.

students to read two letters and answer the following questions:

①What is Millie’s favorite hobby?(Painting)

②What is Millie’s problem?(She doesn’t have enough time for hobbies and homework.)

③When does Simon play football?(After school until late)

④How do his parents feel about it?

(They don’t like this and ask him to go home before 6 p.m.)

students if there are words that they do not know.

Explain some new words briefly.


Step Ⅲ。Practice

The purpose is to develop the skills of scanning and how to gain the details from the articles.

en to the tape and answer some question about "True"or"False".

students to read the articles again and explain some important phrases.

How to solve the problems;hand in;on time;at the moment;

can’t find any time for my hobbies;feel bad;give up;

achieve a balance between the two;hear form;make unhappy

Step Ⅳ。Retelling

The purpose is to develop the skills of retelling with the key words

students to make sentences with phrases that we have learned.

to retell the outline of the articles.

urage students to say something about themselves.

Step Ⅴ。Summary and homework

The purpose is to give the students a clear idea of how to express their problems and revise the articles.

students to revise the words and phrases

students to write a letter about himself after class.

During my teaching,I’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English. I think the general aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of using English. And I’ll use this to guide my teaching.

Thank you!

英文説課稿 篇3


今天我説課的.內容是國中英語教材八年級Unit 4 Topic 1 Plants and animals are impontant to us


本話題圍繞談論跟描述自然界的風光 動植物及生存資源——---森林跟水引入本話題的主要語法項目:形容詞的比較級跟最高級;為今後學習現代科技跟歷史遺蹟的知識打下基礎,同時通過Which do you like better/best?以及Paiwork的反覆操練,進一步提高學生,聽、説、讀、寫綜合素質能力。



The hens are much/a little smaller than the cons/geese.,The mice are the smallest of them.


Wolf. bear sheep goose rabbit snake rose nature forest protect land ocean sea

能力目標:提高學生,聽、説、讀、寫及知識自學的綜合能力。 情感目標:培養學生熱愛自然,保護自然的環境意識。 本話題所須課時:4節課。



















在講新課時,合理整合教材,系統的樹立知識,將形容詞的比較級跟最高級在一系列既關聯又相對獨立的語境中詳細講解,反覆演練,使學生全面掌握,任務性聽力訓練:Listen and write以及Pair work ,充分地調動了學生的積極性,吸引了全體學生的注意力,達到了教育教學目的,培養學生思想素質、情感素質跟英語語言素質。


為了調動學生的積極性,利用work alone,pair work, Group work 等多種不同方式操練鞏固。使學生處於積極思維的狀態之中,全方位,多角度培養學生運用英語的能力。









英文説課稿 篇4

Good morning, professors, it’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lessons with you. The content of the lesson is Senior English for China Student’s Book 2 Unit 5 Music. I’ll begin the lesson from the following five parts, the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure and blackboard design. First, let me talk about the teaching material.

Firstly,let me introduce the teaching material. This unit is to introduce to us different types of band. The reading passage is the center of this unit. It is made up of 4 paragraphs, that is, many people want to be famous as singers or musicians, form a band, Monkees began as a TV show and they became even more popular than the Beatles. The text is the most important teaching material in this lesson, which extends the main topic “music” and contains most of the vocabulary and grammar points that students should learn in this unit.

Secondly, I want to tell something about the students. Although the students have the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, they still need many opportunities to practice what they have learned, to express their ideas, feelings, and experience and to develop their autonomous learning ability and cooperative learning ability Thirdly, I’d like to talk about teaching aims and demands

1 Knowledge aims:

(1)to help students to understand and master the words, phrases and sentence patterns.

(2)to know some basic information about music

2 Ability aims:

(1) To improve the students’ organizing and using skills of English as the second language

(2) To understand the main idea, to scan for the needed information and to grasp the details

3 Emotional aims:

(1) Help students understand different type of music and how to form a band

(2) Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning

Fourthly, teaching key points is

1. To help the students get a general idea of the whole passage, and some detailed information and language points as well.

2. To understand how Monkees formed, developed and succeed. Teaching difficult points is

1. The students use their own words to express their own ideas.

2. the prep+ whom/which attribute clause

According to the analysis above, I’ll try to use the following theories to make students the real master of the class while the teacher myself the director.

a. Communicative Language Teaching

Language is used for communication. It’s learner-centered and emphasizes communication and real-life situations.

b. Task-based Language Teaching

A task resembles activities which our students or other people carry out in everyday life, Learners should be given opportunities to reflect on what they have learned and how well they are doing.

c. Computer Assisted Language Teaching

Language learning needs a context, which can help the learners to understand the language and then can product comprehensible output, so computer has the advantages to make the materials attractive.

Part 3 Learning Methods

Task-based, self-dependent and cooperative learning

Part 4 Teaching Procedure

Step One Lead-in

“Interest is the best teacher.” Therefore, at the very beginning of the class, I should spark the students’ mind to focus on the centre topic “the band”. I’ll play some different type of music to attract their attention and then bring some questions.


What kind of music they like?

Which band they know best?

The answers must relate to band. After this, the students will be eager to know something about band and this is the very time to naturally lead the class into Step 2

Step 2 Reading for information: skimming and scanning In this step, I use Task-based Language Teaching method, which can give students a clear and specific purpose while skimming and scanning the context.

Task 1 General idea

The students will be asked to just glance at the title and the pictures of the passage, and then guess what they will read in the text. And they’ll be divided into groups of four to have a discussion.

The purpose is to inspire the students to read actively, not passively. In addition, the task is to develop the students’ reading skill by making prediction and to encourage the students to express their thoughts in English and cooperate with each other.

Task 2 Main idea of each paragraph

Cooperative learning can raise the students’ interest and create an atmosphere of achievement. Based on this theory, I divide the whole class into 4 groups to skim the whole text and get the main idea of each paragraph.

Step 3 Reading for comprehension

The purpose of reading is to get the correct and useful information. Students should not only have a high speed of reading but also have a correct understanding of details. Therefore the following practices on Page 35 can help check the situation.

Step 4 Solving difficult language problems through reading

It’s important for language learners to learn important rules of

grammar and use these rules to solve problems in reality. In the previous process of reading, the students must come across some difficult language obstacles, so it’s necessary for us to discuss and explain. This period of time belongs to students. They can ask any questions they come across in the process of learning. I’ll explain the questions and difficulties. The purpose of this is improving the students “questioning spirit” and dealing with the difficulties.

Step 5 Consolidation

Language is learnt by communicating. It is my job to create an atmosphere for students to use the language. Here I design 2 activities 1 Reading for comprehension

I’ll ask 4 students to read each paragraph, and then do the exercise following the text. I think it’s a good way to review what they have learned.

2 Discussion

During making discussion, the students will deepen their understanding of the main idea of the passage.

a. Why Monkees can be successful? Give reasons.

b. What’s the most important thing for a successful band? Why? Step 6 Homework

Ask the students to write down sth about their favorite singers, band or music and list the reasons. The assignment enables the students to search various information resources, which can widen their view and continue to inspire their enthusiasm of learning.

Part 5 Blackboard design

Unit 4 Music

Passage The Band That Wasn’t

Topic Sentences:

1. Many people want to be famous as singers or musician

2. Form a band

3. Began as a TV

4. They became even more famous than the Beatles


a. Why Monkees can be successful? Give reasons.

b. What’s the most important thing for a successful band? Why?

In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily. In this text, the design is not easy to write. I write the topic sentences on the blackboard, in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class. I want to make the design inductive, instructive and artistic.

英文説課稿 篇5

Dealing with trouble

Good morning/afternoon everyone, I’m NO ----. it’s my great honor to present my lesson here. Today, I’m going to talk about the reading part of chpter 3 from Oxford English 8A, Shanghai Education Press. The title of the reading passage is “Dealing with trouble” . To make my presentation much clearer, I’d like to divide the teaching structure inti 5 parts: analysis of teaching material, analysis of students, analysis of teaching and learning methods, teaching procedure and blackbored design. Now I am about to present them one by one.

ysis of teaching material

The first part is the analysis of teaching material

This text is about a diary of a boy, which content is focused on how the boy’s father dealt with a trouble. This kind of topic is related to Ss’ daily life, so the Ss will love to read the dairy and desire to speak out their ideas. That’s say, the text offer a good chance for Ss to improve reading skills and their spoken English. Besides, Ss are going to learn some new words and phrases from the text, which are helpful for their further English study in future. According to the students’ English level and the demands of the New Standard English, I divide my lesson objectives into three categories: knowledge objects,ability objects and moral objects. in the first place, knowledge objects include to learn new words and key expression by guessing and teacher’s guidance; to grasp the general idea of the whole passage and be able to retell the main idea of the passage; to get familiar with the simple past tense.

Ability objects contain to improve Ss’ ability of getting imformation by scanning and skimming; to develop Ss’ ability to describ an event that happened in our daily life; and cultivate Ss’ ability to discover, analyze and solve problem.

At last moves to moral objects. The moral objects are to cultivate Ss’ awareness to help people who are in trpuble and to help Ss’to realize the important of safety, try to learn how to pretect themselves in danger.

Based on the objectives, I make the teaching key points and difficult points as follow. Teaching key points include the vocabulary and some phrases, such as argument/ argue, dial, steal, notice, robbery, detail, railing hold out, in handcuffs, be afraid of, go on, shout at,

stare at, and run away. To improve Ss’ reading skills and encourage them to talk about troubles they met in their daily life are another teahing key points.

While the teaching difficult points are to retell the story with the help of some key words, to write a dairy with the simple past tense.

sencond part is analysis of students.

The students in Grade 8 have the ability to complete tasks by cooperating with one another, They can work together to solve some troubles and they can share the pleasure of learning

English. As junior middle school students, they can’t keep their attention for a long time. Then I will use , some games, some competition, some real objects etc. to attract their attention. During the period of learning English, they have the enthusiasm and interest to take part in the class

activities English teaching should face all the students, to some students who are poor at English, I’ll give them some easy jobs and let the better students help them so that all the students can experience the pleasure of success. Let the students grasp the help rules, it’s better for them to protect themselves.

I move to the third part analysis of teaching and learning methods.

As we know, it’s the best way for the junior students to learn English mainly by tasks. So with the help of the multi-media and balckboard, I’ll use the task-based teaching approach

together with the communicative teaching method ,the situational teaching method , competition method and audio-viual methods. The students can learn in a more interesting and easier way. I’ll organize enough activities for the students to learn by group work, pair work, team work, competition ,etc. These activities can cultivate the students’ sense of unity and cooperation. I’ll use the learner-centered method .I’ll act as a director while the students act as the real master of the class. I’ll try to use some encouraging and polite remarks such as “well done”, “you did a good job”, etc. to help every student make a progress in my class. Let the students enjoy the process of learning English. I’ll pay attention to both the formative assessment and the

summative assessment. The students can get comprehensive language using skills by autonomic learning, cooperating, exploring, etc.

hing procedure is the forth part of my teaching structure.

In order to achieve my teaching aims successfully I divide my teaching procedure into 6 steps: lead- in, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading ,summary and homework.

英文説課稿 篇6


● Good morning, my dear judges. I am number_______. I’m glad to interpret my teaching design here.

● My teaching content today is Part of Unit of PEP Primary English, Book This unit is mainly about Now, I will explain the lesson from the following aspects.

1. 教學內容 (Contents)

Firstly, let’s focus on the analysis of teaching content. The lesson is a new one of Unit .

It includes , ____ and . In section 1, it mainly deals with these key words,

2. 教學對象(talk about the students)

Secondly, it is about the students. Our students are in Grade

They are active and curious, interested in new things.

After learning English for years, they have some basic English background knowledge, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language.

They have learnt English for years, and have already known

It is not difficult for them to understand and use the language

3. 教學目標 (Teaching aims)

So, I set the following aims.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read, recognize, and use these words:

And, these sentences:

By the end of the lesson,

①Ss can understand the and get useful information from the through attentive listening / reading.

②Ss are able to talk about

③Ss can use to give suggestions on

④Ss’ abilities of listening and speaking will be developed.

(Affect; Learning strategies; cultural awareness.) In this lesson, the emotional aim is

①to help students cultivate and foster their abilities of working in groups.

②to foster Ss’ consciousness of good-cooperation and proper competition.

③to help Ss cultivate their abilities to analyze and solve problems independently.

④to foster Ss’ initiative and creativeness.

⑤to help Ss to recognize and identify the differences between Chinese and English cultures on

⑥to help Ss know some and comprehend the

①to make sure that Ss can useCorrectly and skillfully. to develop Ss’ interest in English. ②The difficult point is:

The pronunciation of

4.教法學法(Teaching methods)

Fourthly, it talks about teaching methods.

In this lesson, I will mainly use “Task-based teaching method”, “Communicative language teaching method” and “TPR teaching method”, and so on.

5. 教學過程

① 具體steps 根據具體內容定;

一般分為:warming up lead inpresentationconsolidationhomework

②板書steps + purpose 説明; ③如有可能,同時完成layout設計;

Next, let’s focus on the teaching procedures. I will finish the lesson in steps.

It will cost about mins.

After greeting with the Ss, I will begin the lesson by singing the song

together with the Ss. Purpose:

The purpose of this is to form a better English learning surrounding for the Ss, and, at the same time, it provides situations to review the learnt

knowledge for the next step.

It will cost about mins.

With the help of the PPT, I set a situation of

by to stimulate the Ss’ interest of the lesson.

By playing the PPT, IAnd then, (板書layout)

The purpose of this is to present the new words and sentences in the situation, which relates to the Ss’ real life experiences, to help the Ss understand the language easily and naturally.

After presenting each new word (by the guessing game), I will impart the knowledge of pronunciation rules in teaching the new words.

It is called Phonics.

It can facilitate the Ss’ abilities to pronounce the words, and help them to remember the spelling of the words.

(機械上口; 有意義操練; let’s do; 課文對話表演;)

It will cost mins, including

Due to the Ss’ age, I make

The purpose of this is to draw the whole Ss’ attention to the spelling of the words.

It is to help Ss to learn through a true situation.

In this step, I will give Ss a free space to show their abilities.

I will Then,

Task-based teaching method and Communicative language teaching are used here.

The activity is to develop Ss’ ability of communication, and also, their ability of cooperation will be well developed.

Making a new dialogue is to check if Ss can use correctly and skillfully.

(總結上課內容; 德育滲透; 作業佈置;)

In this step, I will guide the Ss to conclude the key words And sentences

And also, I will

The purpose of this is to stimulate Ss’ interest of learning English and wide their knowledge about communication across cultures.

6.板書再次介紹(Talking about the blackboard design again)

And, this is my layout design.

That’s all for my teaching design. Thank you a lot for listening.
