

  • 分類\ 校園
  • 時間\ 2015-03-19




Some people think children’s spending time on TV, video and PC games is good, while others think it is bad. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Some people think that criminals should be given longer terms in prison, so as to reduce the crime rate. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Old generations often hold some traditional ideas on the correct way of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that it is not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life in the future. What’s your opinion?


Unemployment is getting increasingly serious in many countries. Some people think students only need to get primary education, while others think secondary education is necessary. What’s your opinion?


Some people think people can exploit animals for any purpose they need, while others do not think so. What is your opinion?


An increasing number of people choose to live in big cities. What problems will this bring about? Should the government encourage people to live in small towns?


An American film actor once said,“Tomorrow is important and precious.”Some people think individuals and society should pay more attention to the future than to the present. Do you agree or disagree?


Some people think imported food exerts positive impacts on our lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Schools offer a wide range of courses such as physical education, music, economics, philosophy, math, English,geography, physics and history. Among all these subjects, which one do you think is the most important and which one is the least important?



Children can learn effectively by watching television. They should be encouraged to watch television regularly both in school and at home. Do you agree or disagree?


The high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of the advertising but not the real need of the whole society in which they sell. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


Some people think that the fittest and strongest individual and team can achieve success in sports, while others believe that success depends on mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Some people think that university students should only study one specialist subject. Others think that universities should encourage students to study a range of subjects in addition to a specialist area. Give your opinion.


Many people think that cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people the freedom to travel further. However, others think that this leads to environmental problem, and so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.


Some people think that children should obey rules and do what their parents and teachers want them to do. Others believe that children controlled very much are not well-prepared for their adult lives. Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Mobile phones and the internet are very useful for old people. However, this section of population is the fewer users of mobile phones and the internet. In what ways can mobile phones and the internet be useful to the old people? How can the old people be encouraged to use this new technology?


Some people believe that theoretical subjects (such as mathematics, philosophy and economy) should not be taught in universities because universities should focus on practical subjects (such as marketing, computer programming, and accounting). To what extent do you agree or disagree?




此外,目前雅思寫作的評分方式是Round down的,也就是説,如果你的寫作總算出來是6.75,那麼你的總分是6.5,而並不是7;6.25=6,不再等於6.5。





在此插一句題外話,想要提高口語的分數,有兩點需要切記:一是一定要多開口練習,多Speak up,不然口語是無法提高的;二是考場上一定要放鬆,切記口語是一個communication的過程,是人與人之間的交流,理解,相互交流才是正經事。





因為考官批改考卷的時候,是先從小作文入手的。試想一下,一篇寫的很爛,或者甚至都沒有完成的小作文,會給考官留下什麼樣的印象?自然是:這個學生好像程度不太好,這個學生怎麼都沒有寫完之類的感覺,那麼等到他來批閲你的大作文的'時候,第一印象已經不好了,大作文的分數,又怎麼會很高呢?雖然這並不是一個絕對性的問題,但由此可見,千萬不要因為大作文佔分多,就把重心都放在大作文上,從而忽略了小作文。要知道,小作文就好似是你寫作的 “臉”,門面功夫,咱們還是需要注意的。把這點寫在這裏,就是想要提醒一個各位烤鴨小夥伴們,不用特地從大作文入手,按照正常順序來即可。



7其實閲讀答題紙T/F/NG 不用寫全?

和聽力大小寫的問題相似,閲讀T/F/NG這個題型,如果大家在謄寫答題紙的時候寫的是T,F,NG的話,考官一般不會算錯。只要答案對,他就會給分。但是如果題目要求是YES/NO/NOT GIVEN的話,在答題紙上寫成True/False/Not Given就會算錯哦~ 反之也一樣。所以大家一定要仔細審題,如果是YES/NO/NG的話,就千萬不要寫T/F/NG哦~這樣的丟分,實在是太太太冤枉,實在是太不值得了!而且一般來説,一錯,就是好幾個。






是啊!除了四大眾所周知的評分項之外,寫作還有一些別的考察項哦!分別是:Under length, Off-topic, Memorised等等。Under Length就是明明該寫150字/250字的,但是卻沒有寫夠字數,那麼除了TR和CC會有影響之外,還會額外的有Penalty!所以字數篇幅方面,大家一定要寫夠哦!如果有篇文章,考官感覺是背誦默寫的,那麼也是會額外的扣分的!這一點大家一定要注意哦!