
來源:文萃谷 3.22W



The first guest-for-hire company was established about nine years nese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives.

Japanese couples, too busy for a normal social life, are increasingly turning to actors to play their friends on the most important days of their lives.

Several agencies have sprung up offering actors to attend weddings or even funerals. The first guest-for-hire company was established about nine years ago and around 10 now send out dozens of pretend friends to family events.

Agencies such as Hagemashi Tai - which means "I want to cheer you up" - charge around 100 for each "guest". Other services such as giving a speech in praise of a bride or the groom cost extra.

The emergence of the small fake friends industry has been linked to social and economic changes in Japan. With lifetime employment a thing of the past, couples feel uncomfortable about inviting work colleagues to their wedding. Increasingly busy and put upon, many Japanese surround themselves with only a very small circle of friends. 更多信息請訪問:

When they marry, however, they are under pressure to match the number of their new partner's wedding guests.

Office Agents, the largest provider of pretend friends, makes sure that its employees have done their homework and know all about the bride or groom before the wedding.

Hiroshi Mizutani, the company's founder, said the fake friends he provides must look happy, be well dressed and look like people with good jobs.



像Hagemashi Tai(意為“我想讓你開心“)這樣的公司每提供一位朋友收費100英鎊。若要提供其它服務如致辭讚美新郎或新娘需額外收費。





  美頒佈風味香煙禁令 即日生效


A woman smoking a cigarette. Cigarettes flavored with fruit, candy or cloves became illegal in the United States on Tuesday under a new law aimed at cutting down on smoking, especially among children, officials said.

Cigarettes flavored with fruit, candy or cloves became illegal in the United States on Tuesday under a new law aimed at cutting down on smoking, especially among children, officials said.

"These flavored cigarettes are a gateway for many children and young adults to become regular smokers," said the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret Hamburg, announcing the ban.

The vast majority of adult smokers taking up the habit as teens, and are more attracted to flavored cigarettes and tobacco products than to unflavored ones, according to the FDA, which is also mulling over regulating menthol cigarettes and flavored tobacco products other than cigarettes, the agency said.

According to the federal food and drug watchdog, studies have shown that 17-year-old smokers are three times as likely to use flavored cigarettes as smokers over the age of 25.更多信息請訪問:

"Flavored cigarettes attract and allure kids into lifetime addiction," said Assistant Secretary of Health Howard Koh in a statement.

"FDA's ban on these cigarettes will break that cycle for the more than 3,600 young people who start smoking daily," Koh said.

Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.








  Hongkong Movies

愛思廣播本期內容:當前香港電影市場不景氣,香港導演紛紛出走內地尋求合作已成為事實。在香港電影給中國電影市場帶來蓬勃生氣和繁榮景象的同時,香港電影良莠不齊的爭議性依然存在。 讓人大兩個可愛女孩兒---Claire和來自香港的Vivien一起與聽眾分享關於香港電影的種種吧。


愛思英語網 AceRadio最新分享: Hongkong Movies


V:Hi, everyone. Hi, Molly. I am Vivien.

C:I am Claire. We are juniors of English major from Renmin University of China.

V & C: Nice to meet you here !

V:Today we are going to talk about Hongkong movies.

C:Yeah, Vivien is from Hongkong. That’s why we think this topic can be more comprehensively discussed here. Hongkong movie has been a glamorous brand internationally . So many movies have been exported as a strong soft power , bringing influential sensation and making most people wonder how a city with only 7 million people turns out to be one of the biggest movie empires in the world.

V:Yes. Actually according to statistics, its movie output is only second to America and outcompetes any other western countries. But today we don’t want to talk much about the glorious history of Hongkong movie. We want to talk about its present developing.

C:Yes, how Hongkong movie strives hard to make itself adaptable to the swiftly changing movie market and audience.

Theme Song 《記憶》From Metallic Attraction:Kungfu Cyborg(《機器俠》)(播放約2:00)

V:I know what you are going to talk about. The latest movie by the director Liu Zhenwei.

C:You got it. 剛才播放的`是主角方力申和孫儷合唱的主題曲《記憶》。last week my friend and I went to the cinema. We had intended to watch Empire of Silver, but there was only 《機器俠》 available when we got there. So ah…

V:It sounds like you don’t get much fun from it.

C:I have to say, yes. Liu Zhenwei hasn’t brought us much surprise or creation.

V:Well, Liu has been renowned for his unique style of loony tone, 也就是無厘頭.

C:Can you repeat that in Catonese? 無厘頭?

V:無厘頭, loony tone(in cantonese). Most of you must remember the amazing movie by him, a Chinese Odyssey, 大話西遊.

C: Yeah, part one and part two.

Dialogues from A Chinses Odyssey.----《大話西遊》結局(_uI1A/)約4 minutes

V: Those two movies are his works of the peak moment . Many people still like to quote classic lines from 唐僧 and 孫悟空.

C: That’s why I felt disappointed at this new movie J機器俠. Liu Zhenwei has used his 無厘頭 again, but not as successfully, I am afraid.

V: Yeah, in many ways I presume. Many factors contribute to the success of A Chinese Odyssey.

C: or we may translate it into “中國的奧德賽”.

V: As you wish. In this movie 周星馳 plays this loony tone, “無厘頭” to its best fullest. Other actors such as 吳孟達 and 羅家英, and actresses such as 莫文蔚 and 朱茵, their acting are unbelievably superb in the movie too!

C: That’s quite true. And all of the characters just…just topple over what we traditionally thinks of 《西遊記》. Monkey King falls in love with twin sisters. And both of them are “妖怪”. The Longevity Monk, 唐僧, sings disgusting English songs and keeps long-winded.

V: So many ingenious plots. But now Liu Zhenwei has used a more China and less Hongkong cast in his movie.

C: yeah, 胡軍,孫儷 together with their colleages in the “公安局”. Also this story takes place in a typical northern village in China.

V: I would say that is a courageous breakthrough. You know, there is an Exodus of Hongkong movie nowadays, since Hongkong is too limited as a movie market and many directors have chosen to go out of Hongkong into the Mainland, for a potentially much larger investment and audience. That’s why they have to experiment a lot before they find their orientation again.

C: Yeah, I feel much better now . You know I am from Guangdong Province. Hongkong Movie has been an indisensable part of my cultural life ever since I was a little child. Even my father was a big fan of Jacky Chen and Hark Tsui(徐克)’s Kongfu style.

V: Yeah, just as you say, Hongkong movie is a brand worldwide.

C: But now things change too fast for me, or fans like me. Liu Zhenwei is not the first nor the only one to come out of Hongkong. 徐克 had a movie named Seven Swords ,《七劍》, in 2005. And it didn’t get as much public praise as 徐克’s former movies.

V: Even 周星馳’s latest movie 《長江七號》 drawed lots of doubts about whether 周星馳 can be as talented as before to bring us that much fun and creativity.

C: True as it is, what do you think about this, Vivien? I would like to hear your opinion.

V: Ok, before I give you my answer, 讓我們欣賞一下來自奚仲文電影《小親親》裏的原聲。奚仲文來自香港,是亞洲首屈一指的電影美術指導,曾經給《甜蜜蜜》《如果愛》和《滿城盡帶黃金甲》作美術指導或服裝設計,自己也親自導演過兩部愛情小品電影。《小親親》更是口碑和票房雙收。

C:《小親親》也是one of my favourite movies.

V: 裏面的音樂也非常精美,希望能引起你的共鳴。

Music—The lady is a tramp.(2:26)

C: beatiful misic! Now it’s time for you to answer my question.

V: It is really toughy. Well , it is not a right-or-wrong, good-or-bad question. It needs delicate analysis.

C: Take your time. We can draw to a conclusion together.

V: Fine. I know many people just worry about whether too many changes and cooperations would damage the integrity of Hongkong movie.

C: That’s what I want to say. 香港電影的獨立性和自己的特色。去年香港有一部電影叫《天水圍的日與夜》,deeply touching.

V: Yeah, I know you have a film review about it published in a movie magazine.

C: Yeah, so excited about it.

V: My mother and I watched it too. 它的英文名是The Way We Are. 導演許鞍華拍過很多好電影,但兩次試水內地都反響平平。這次的小成本投資讓許鞍華重回純粹的香港製作,沒想到一拍就拿下了香港的最高電影獎項金像獎。

C: I feel so glad for its success. 許鞍華終於被慧眼識珠的人認了出來。So this is one example of how good a Hongkong-made movie can be.

V: That is really a good point to make. Actually many movie professionals argue about that as well. 香港電影走出去了,其獨立性和香港標籤或多或少會受到削弱。但市場走向和香港電影本身面臨的危機又迫使它必須走出去。

C: What crisis, I really wonder?

V: Hongkong movie is famous for its vamping---現場的即興創作和拼湊, and its speculation----説得嚴重點是“投機”,匆忙地根據市場和檔期不停地趕拍電影。This producing pattern took effect during the prime time, but it also rooted the negative sideeffect of Hongkong movie’s declining.

C: Maybe this pattern can’t guarantee the consistant quality of the movie?

V: Right. 香港電影在這種模式下難免閉門造車,粗製濫造,導致質量和產量都在下降,創新也受到阻隔。香港電影的資本和市場都在萎縮。Under this circumstance, Hongkong Movie has to go out. It has to change.

C: Yes, I understand now. A revolution has to come.

V: I agree with you on some point, however. Some part of Hongkong Movie shouldn’t be changed. That is the Hongkong rhythm, Hongkong humour, Hongkong Kungfu,

C: and Hongkong soul, right?

V: Yes.

C: Ok. You give us a great answer after all. 上世紀八十年代香港電影的鼎盛時期,香港著名演員和製作人黃百鳴和石天,喜劇老將麥嘉一起組建了新藝城電影公司,並以電影《最佳拍檔》一炮打響。《最佳拍檔》講的是警察捉賊的故事,情節趣致,幽默獨特,是香港電影中的領軍佳作。節目最後,我們一起來聽由故事男主角之一,歌神許冠傑所演唱的電影同名主題曲----《最佳拍檔》。

V:Yes, Aces Go Places! 最佳拍檔, just like you and me!

V&C:Thanks for listening, good day!



Find Out if You Have the Five Qualities of Successful Distance Learners


Before you enroll to take classes through an online school, check to make sure distance learning is really right for you. Earning a degree online can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience. But, distance education is not for everyone. While some people thrive on the independence and freedom offered through such classes, others find themselves regretting their decision and wishing they had enrolled at a traditional school instead.


Successful and happy distance learners have a few characteristics in common. Compare yourself to the following list to determine whether or not online classes are a good fit for your personality and habits.


essful distance learners do just as well, if not better, without people looking over their shoulders.


While some people need teachers to keep them motivated and on-task, distance learners are able to motivate themselves. They realize that they will never be face-to-face with the people who give them assignments and grade their work, but they don’t need others to encourage them. The most successful students are self-motivated and set their own goals.


2. Successful distance learners never (or at least rarely) procrastinate.


You’ll rarely find them putting off assignments or waiting until the last moment to write their papers. These students enjoy the freedom of working at their own pace and appreciate the ability to complete their work in as much time as it takes them, instead of waiting for an entire class. However, they understand that putting off their work too often can end up adding months, if not years, to their studies.


3. Successful distance learners have good reading comprehension skills.


While most people learn by listening to lectures and taking notes, the majority of distance learners are expected to master material through reading alone. Although some distance learning courses offer video recordings and audio clips, most programs require that students understand a large amount of information that is only available through written text. These students are able to comprehend texts at the college level without the direct guidance of a teacher.


4. Successful distance learners can resist constant distractions.


Whether it’s the phone ringing off the hook, the kids screaming in the kitchen, or the allureof the tv, everyone faces distractions. Successful students know how to filter out the constant disturbances that threaten their progress. They feel comfortable turning down an invitation or letting the machine pick up the phone when they know there is work to be done.


5. Successful distance learners feel alright about missing the social elements of traditional schools.


Sure, they realize that they’ll miss out on the homecoming game, the dances, and the student elections, but they’re convinced that the independence is absolutely worth it. Whether they’re mature adult learners who aren’t interested in the fraternity hype, or younger students who get their socialization from extracurricularactivities elsewhere, they are comfortable with their current social situation. In place of classroom discussion, they explore the issues with their peers through email and message boards or discuss what they’re learning with spouses or coworkers.


If you have few of the qualities of these successful students, you may want to reconsider applying to an online school. Remember that online learning is not for everyone and, while it is an excellent choice for some, others will always struggle with learning independently. But, if, after comparing your personality and habits to those of successful distance education students, you’ve discovered that you have a lot in common, online classes may be the perfect option for you. 更多信息請訪問:



1. No question need ever be asked through a closed bathroom door if I'm inside. I love you less with each syllable you utter.


2. When you get angry over some stupid little pointless thing, I question your intelligence.


3. Err on the side of hot; we love to show you off. Unless we're meeting my parents.


4. You're really bad at faking it.


5. If you're truly interested in us, don't play hard to get.


6. Express yourself. It makes us proud, even if someone thinks you're wrong.


7. You look hot in running shoes and shorts. And that top thingy with the stripes.


8. Don't be afraid to ditch the makeup. Natural is sexier.


9. Leave the eyebrows alone. Plucked ain't pretty.


10. When the game is on, we will pay attention to you if you're nice about it. Bark, and we shut down.


11. Chicks who drink beer are hot. Better yet: chicks who drink beer and watch the game. Better still: chicks who buy us a beer during the game.


12. I just may lie to make you feel good. Don't be angry about this. You really weren't looking for the truth anyway.


13. When you call us at work "just to chat," we're not really listening; we're checking our e-mail.


14. A random unexpected grope is always welcome, even in public. Especially in public.


15. Make us laugh and we'll want to hang around.


16. Yes, I laugh really loud around the guys. And I always will, so deal.


17. Sometimes we wonder why any woman would want to be with us, much less someone as amazing as you.


18. Anytime you cook for us, we're happy.


19. We love you even more because you know we need to go out with the guys once in a while.


20. And we love it when you hang with us guys.


21. Don't rely on us for keeping you up on the news.


22. Never say, "I know you better than you know yourself." Nobody does.




Damien, Myra and Carrie are Britain's most feared and mistrusted names due to superstitious and dark associations, according to a survey on Monday.

The poll of 2,000 Britons -- commissioned by Warner Home Video to publicize the release of television series Supernatural Season 4: Volume 2 on DVD -- showed the effects of television and fiction on the way that people view names.

Damien topped the poll with nine out of 10 respondents uneasy about the associations with the devil child from the 1970s film "The Omen". Myra, was the next most feared and distrusted name at 83 percent, potentially due to associations with British serial killer Myra Hindley, the survey said.

That was followed by two other prominent horror film names Carrie (a 1976 film starring Sissy Spacek), Rosemary ("Rosemary's Baby", directed by Roman Polanski) and Judas, who the Bible says betrayed Jesus Christ.

Three quarters of respondents said they would avoid dating someone with the name Damien and 66 percent of women said they were superstitious about naming a child after someone they hated at school or an ex-boyfriend.

More than a third of respondents said they believed that teachers gave higher marks to children with attractive names and 70 percent of people said they would pass judgment about a person's lifestyle and character based on their name.

A top 10 list of superstitious names follows:

1) Damien 90 pct

2) Myra 83 pct

3) Carrie 76 pct

4) Rosemary 73 pct

5) Judas 69 pct

6) Adolf 65 pct

7) Pandora 63 pct 更多信息請訪問:

8) Regan 60 pct

9) Samara 50 pct

10) Boris 41 pct








1) 達緬 90%

2) 米拉 83%

3) 凱莉 76%

4) 羅絲瑪麗 73%

5) 猶大 69%

6) 阿道夫 65%

7) 潘多拉 63%

8) 里根 60%

9) 薩馬拉 50%

10)伯里斯 41%


10 Ways to Be Liked in Your Job Interview

by Jonathan Littman and Marc Hershon

No matter your resume and talents, if you mess up a job interview you won't get that position. In today's tough economy you need every possible edge. As authors of the new book, "I Hate People! Kick Loose from the Overbearing and Underhanded Jerks at Work and Get What you Want Out of Your Job," we see it as a simple equation: You want to be liked -- not hated.


Here are 10 simple things to do that will dramatically increase your chances: from wearing the right expression, to knowing what not to say, to never ever breaking a sweat.


1. Don't be a "smiley face."

1. 不要“笑臉盈盈”

Excessive smiling in a job interview is seen for what it is -- nervousness and a lack of confidence. A smiley-face person exudes phoniness, which will quickly be picked up by the interviewer. Instead be thoughtful and pleasant. Smile when there's something to smile about. Do a practice run in front of a mirror or friend.


2. Don't be a small-talker.

2. 不要扯閒話

Your job is to be knowledgeable about the company for which you're interviewing. Random facts about last night's episode of "Dancing with the Stars" or your favorite blog will not get you the job. Never feel you have to fill an interview with small talk. Find ways to talk about serious subjects related to the industry or company. Pockets of silence are better than padding an interview with random babble.


3. Don't sweat.


You can lose a job by wearing an undershirt or simply a little too much clothing. Sweaty palms or beads on your forehead will not impress. You are not applying to be a personal trainer. Sweat will be seen as a sign of weakness and nervousness. Do a practice run with your job interview outfit in front of friends. The job interview is one place you definitely don't want to be hot.

衣服多穿了一點點或穿了件汗衫可能讓你失去一份工作。手掌有汗,或額頭上的汗珠不會給人留下好印象。 你不是在申請個人運動教練。出汗將被看作是一個表示柔弱和緊張的跡象。穿着你的面試服裝在朋友面前先實際演練一下。面試絕對不是你希望感汗流浹背的場合。

4. Don't be a road block.

4. 不要做攔路石

Interviewers are seeking candidates eager to take on challenging projects and jobs. Hesitance and a nay-saying mentality will be as visible as a red tie -- and seen as a negative. Practice saying "yes" to questions about your interest in tasks and work that might normally give you pause.

面試官在尋求的是那些渴望接受有挑戰性的項目和工作的人員。猶豫和拒絕的心態將會是赫然醒目的,消極的信號。 對於一些你是否對某些任務或工作有興趣等會讓你遲疑的的問題,要練習説“是”。

5. Don't be petty.

5. 不要瑣碎

Asking the location of the lunchroom or meeting room will clue the interviewer into your lack of preparation and initiative. Prepare. Don't ask questions about routine elements or functions of a company: where stuff is, the size of your cube, and company policy on coffee breaks.


6. Don't be a liar.


Studies show that employees lie frequently in the workplace. Lying won't get you a job. In a job interview even a slight exaggeration is lying. Don't. Never stretch your resume or embellish accomplishments. There's a difference between speaking with a measured confidence and engaging in BS. One lie can ruin your entire interview, and the skilled interviewer will spot the lie and show you the door.

研究表明,員工在職場上經常會撒謊。撒謊無法給你帶來一份工作。在面試時,即便是一點的誇張都算撒謊。別那麼做。不要誇大你的簡歷或美化你的成績。和一位適度自信的人,以及和一位吹牛的人談話是不一樣的。 一個謊言會破壞全部面試,有經驗的面試者一定會發現那個謊言,讓你離開。

7. Don't be a bad comedian.

7. 不要成為糟糕的滑稽演員

Humor tends to be very subjective, and while it may be tempting to lead your interview with a joke you've got to be careful about your material. You probably will know nothing about the sensibilities of your interviewer, let alone what makes them laugh. On the other hand, nothing disarms the tension of a job interview like a little laughter, so you can probably score at least a courtesy chuckle mentioning that it's "perfect weather for a job interview!"


8. Don't be high-maintenance.

8. 不要太難伺候

If you start talking about the ideal office temperature, the perfect chair for your tricky back, and how the water cooler needs to be filled with imported mineral water, chances are you'll be shown a polite smile and the door, regardless of your qualifications. Nobody hiring today is going to be looking for someone who's going to be finicky about their workspace.


9. Don't be a time-waster.


At every job interview, the prospective hire is given the chance to ask questions. Make yours intelligent, to the point, and watch the person across the desk for visual cues whether you've asked enough. Ask too many questions about off-target matters and you'll be thought of as someone destined to waste the company's resources with insignificant and time-wasting matters.


10. Don't be a switchblade.


Normally the switchblade is thought of a backstabber, often taking credit for someone else's work. In an interview setting, the switchblade can't help but "trash talk" his former employer. If you make it seem like your former workplace was hell on Earth, the person interviewing you might be tempted to call them to find out who was the real devil.

