
來源:文萃谷 1.79W



我的老師英語作文 篇1

my new teacher is science teacher. he’s very strong. he has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. he often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes。

my science teacher is very kind. and he is very smart, isn’t he? today, we have science class. we are very happy. because he is so funny. who is he? he’s a mr. zhou .



我的老師英語作文 篇2

她1米65的勻稱身材,披着微卷的長髮,常穿着高跟鞋的她走起路來像個女兵似的精神煥發。她的皮膚粗糙且微黑,加上高挺的鼻樑和大大的嘴巴,使她走在校園裏像是為外籍教師。沒錯,她就是我們的 英語老師信老師,她可是位地地道道的.中國人。


以前學英語最怕記單詞,從來都是死記硬背,但是信老師能夠用各種各樣的方法讓我們記住每個單詞。比如“strong”念“死壯”,意思是強壯,信老師為了讓我們記住它,説:“這個人‘死’都要強 ‘壯’,能不強壯嗎?所以‘強壯’用英語念做‘死狀’”。雖然引來我們一陣大笑,但“strong”這個單詞被我們永遠的記住了。

在學習“but”這個單詞時,信老師先在黑板上覆習以前學過的單詞“bus”,帶領同學們念一遍,然後將“bus”中的“s”改為“t”,讓同學們自己試着讀,同學們很快就讀出了正確讀音,同樣深深記 在腦海中。


我們更喜歡信老師,不僅因為她充滿智慧,更因為她平易近人,和藹可親。平時下課,我們經常圍着信老師向她提出一些學習上甚至生活上的問題,她都會耐心地一一解答,直到我們獲得滿意的答案 ,她才微笑着離去。


我的老師英語作文 篇3

My Chemistry Teacher

liu ming is my chemistry' teacher。 he is an ordinary-looking little man with thick glasses, but he has a strange way of XXX his classes lively and interesting。

i remembered his first lesson。 he put three bottles on the desk。 one was filled with kerosene, one with castor oil, and one with vinegar。 and he said "now watch carefully。 pay attention to everything that i do。" he held up one of his fingers and dipped it into the cup after he mixed the three kinds of liquid in a big cup together。 a few seconds later, he took his finger out, put it in his mouth and sucked it。 "how delicious! you must do everything that i do。" said he。 and then we did it like him。 lmmediately we made a face。 the mixture tasted horrible。

it was first chemistry lesson。 i never forget it。




