

low key 低調

can-do 能人

close-up 特寫鏡頭

squeezed juice 鮮榨的果汁

herbal tea 花草茶

have an affair 外遇

dog walker 遛狗的人

work an extra shift 多輪一班

talk you up 説你的.好話

stand firm to 努力堅持

organize my thoughts 整理思緒

get a little preoccupied 事先有事

no way to recover 沒有掩飾的機會了

admire your candor 你還真膽大

go through this stack 看看這一疊

flyers 尋人(物)海報

nod along 跟着點頭

a totally separate subject 完全題外話

close my account 註銷銀行卡

creep me out 雷死我了

hatrack 草包

goose bumps 雞皮疙瘩

patch things up with sb. 和某人修復關係

natural charisma 天生麗質

cut him some slack 放他一馬

Ive been back and forth. 我猶豫不定。

Ready for a refill? 我再給你倒一杯吧?

What was tonight? 今晚本來要做什麼?