
來源:文萃谷 2.81W



criticism injured his ?____?. So he is feeling upset now.?

A. divinity B. indignity ?C. ego D. hero?

12.?____? began to grow in the 1920s with the development of radio.?

A. Electronics B. Electricity?C. Eccentricity D. Economics?

’t?____?. It isn’t fair to say all women drivers are bad because one knocked you down.?

A. summarize B. analyze ?C. generalize D. centralize?

14.A ?____? is a portion of a DNA molecule(分子).?

A. gene B. specimen ?C. creature D. microbe?

young man used most ?____? language to irritate the old chap.?

A. pleasant B. offensive ?C. respectful D. elegant?

detectives tried to ?____? from him where he had hidden his loot(贓物).?

A. tempt B. attract?C. disrupt D. elicit?

17.I want something ?____? placed in this window so that no one will be able to watch me.?

A. transparent B. opaque?C. explicit D. clear?

18.I find the conductor’s?____? too slow for such a brilliant piece of music.?

A. speed B. race?C. calendar D. tempo?

his contract was ?____? unexpectedly, he desperately needed a new job.?

A. terminated B. expired?C. fulfilled D. accomplished?

you are to succeed as a salesman, first of all, you

must not be ?____?.?

A. humid B. aggressive?C. bold D. timid?


【參考譯文】 你的批評傷了他的自尊心。他現在很不安。?

【試題分析】 此題為名詞辨析題,根據句意來判斷。?

【詳細解答】 ego自我,自尊心:In Freudian psychology, a person’s

mind consists of three parts: id, ego and superego.在佛洛伊德的心理學中,人的思想意識由三部分構成:以德,自我和超我。A. divinity神,神學:He attended the divinity school at Oxford.他就讀牛津大學神學院。B. indignity侮辱;輕蔑:The bandits subjected us to all sorts of indignities.強盜們對我們加以各種侮辱。D. hero英雄;男主角。?


【參考譯文】 隨着無線電的發展,電子學在20世紀20年代也開始發展起來。?

【試題分析】 本題是形近詞辨析題,題幹中“radio”的含義極為關鍵。

?【詳細解答】 electronics電子學:He is an electronic engineer. His

field is electronics.他是一個電子工程師,其領域是電子學。tricity電。C. eccentricity怪癖:Mr. Smith is a man noted for his eccentricity.史密斯先生是一位以怪癖出名的人。D. economics經濟學。?


【參考譯文】 不要以偏概全。由於一位婦女駕車撞了你就説所有的婦女都


【試題分析】 此題是形近詞辨析題,根據句意來判斷。注意區別A、C。?

【詳細解答】 generalize歸納出;推廣;籠統地下結論:to generalize a conclusion from facts從事實中引出結論;to generalize the use of a new insecticide推新


。在此句中邏輯上不夠吻合。B. analyze分析。D. centralize中央集權:The king is trying to centralize all power in his own hands.國王企圖把一切權力集中於自己手中。


【參考譯文】 每個基因都是脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)分子的一部分。?

【試題分析】 此題為名詞辨析題,根據句意來辨別選項。?

【詳細解答】 gene基因。B. specimen樣品,標本。C. creature生物。D. microbe微生物:Microbe is so small a living creature that it cannot be seen without a microsc

ope.微生物是一種極小的生物,只有在顯微鏡下才能看見。從(a portion of DNA molecule

) DNA分子的一部分來判斷,只有合適,其他選項均由分子構成,不可能是分子的一部分。?15.答案B。?

【參考譯文】 這位年輕人使用極端無禮的話去激怒那可憐的老頭。?

【試題分析】 此題為形容詞辨析題,題幹中“irritate”為關鍵詞。?

【詳細解答】 offensive冒犯的,無禮的:I’m indignant at his offensive words

.我對他無禮的話感到很憤慨。A. pleasant令人愉快的。ectful表示尊敬的。D. elegant優美的。此句中講了青年人的話使可憐的老頭很憤慨,使他激怒,可見這些言語是無禮的。?


【參考譯文】 偵探試圖誘使他説出藏匿贓物的地方。?

【試題分析】 此題為動詞辨析題,A、D為近義詞,但用法不同。?

【詳細解答】 elicit引出,誘出:His irony elicited an angry reply.

他的冷嘲熱諷引來了憤怒的回答。t誘惑,引誘做不法之事:While nobody was looking, he was tempted to steal some money.沒有人看到的時候,他經不住誘惑去偷錢。B. attract

吸引。upt使中斷;擾亂:disrupt railway services使鐵路交通中斷。A. tempt也有引誘之義,但它指採用一些手段誘騙,其結構為to tempt him to say where he had hidden his loot.?


【參考譯文】 我想在窗上裝上不透明物體,這樣就沒人能注視我了。?

【試題分析】 此題為形容詞辨析題,可根據題意,採取排除法來做。?

【詳細解答】 opaque不透明的.,不發亮的:an opaque body不透明體;an

opaque color暗色。A. transparent透明的,明瞭的:This plastic is transparent.這種塑料是透明的。C. explicit清楚的,清晰的:Your remarks are explicit,no one can misinterpret them.你的話十分明確,沒有人會誤解。D. clear清楚的,清晰的,從句中的so that…判斷,要使沒人能注視到我,在窗上必須裝上不透明物體,故B為恰當選擇。?


【參考譯文】 就這麼一首華美的樂曲而言,我覺得那位指揮的速度太慢了。?

【試題分析】 此題為近義詞辨析題,A、B、D為近義詞。題幹中“music”為關鍵詞。?

【詳細解答】 tempo音樂的速度,拍子;步調、節奏:The busy tempo of

city life gets less busy at night.城市生活繁忙的節奏在夜間緩和下來。A. speed速度,較常用。B. race比賽、賽跑。C. calendar日曆;月曆:the wall calendar掛曆。D. tempo指音樂的節拍和速度,為最佳選擇。?


【參考譯文】 當他的契約被意外終止時,他迫切需要一份新的工作。?

【試題分析】 此題為近義詞辨析題,A、B為近義詞,C、D為近義詞。題幹


【詳細解答】 terminate終止,結束:The contract can be terminated

by either party.任何一方都可終止契約合同。B. expire期滿,終止:The trade agreement between the two countries will expire next year.這兩國間的貿易協定明年期滿。expire指某一期限何時到期,結束,因此同unexpectedly搭配不合適。C. fulfil完成,結束。D. accomplish達到,完成。?


【參考譯文】 如果你要做一個成功的推銷員,首先你不能膽小。?

【試題分析】 此題為形容詞辨析題,根據句意來判斷。?

【詳細解答】 timid羞怯的,膽小的:The girl is quite timid and dare not come out to meet the guests.小女孩很害羞,不敢出來見客人們。A. humid潮濕的:I hope

the weather will not be so humid in two days.我希望兩天後天氣不再這麼潮濕。B. aggressive好與人發生口角的,好攻擊的;進取的:He is an aggressive person and is likely to start a fight.他生性好攻擊,易與人打架。C. bold勇敢的,冒失的。D. timid為適當選擇,因為推銷員(salesman)必須善言辭,會交往才能成功。如果羞怯當然不容易成功。?
