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Ale will make a cat speak.以下是小編為大家搜索整理的全國學位英語考試詞彙語法綜合訓練,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!



put forward 提出(要求、事實等)

put in 花費;正式提出

put off推遲,拖延;阻礙

put on穿上;上演;教唆

put out熄滅;關(燈);出版

put through 使穿過;使從事

put to (船隻順避風等而)靠岸

put up 舉起;安裝;張貼

put upwith忍受,容忍(討厭的人)

be qualified to 能勝任…

in quantity 大量

quarrel with與…吵架

beside the question 離題,和本題無關

beyond question 毫無疑問,無可爭辯

call in question 對…表示懷疑

in question正在談論的

out of question 毫無疑問

out ofthe question 不可能的;不必談的

without question 毫無疑問

queue up 排隊等候

rain cats and dogs 下傾盆大雨

rain out因下雨阻礙

the rankand file 普通士兵們,老百姓們

at any rate無論如何;至少

at that rate 那樣的'話;照那種情形

at this rate這樣的話,照此速度

had rather……寧願…


rather than寧願…(而不)

rather too 稍微…一點

would rather……than 寧願…而不願…

reach out 伸出手(或腳)

react against反抗;起反作用

react on對…有影響


get ready(使)準備好

by reason of由於,因為

byreason that因為…,由於…

refer oneself to 依賴,求助於

refer to sb. as把…稱作

as regards關於,至於

in regard to/ ri5ga:d/ 關於

with regard to關於,至於

without regard to 不考慮,不顧到

regardless of不顧,不惜,不注意

in relation to 關於,有關;與…相比

on relief接受救濟的

rely on依靠,依賴,依仗


be remarkable for 以…而著稱

reply for sb. 代表某人作答(或答辯)

reply to sb.回答某人
