
来源:文萃谷 3.96K



生 (男性正面角色) male (the positive male role)

旦 (女性正面角色) female (the positive female role)

净 (性格鲜明的男性配角) a supporting male role with striking character

丑 (幽默滑稽或反面角色) a clown or a negative role

花脸 painted role

歌舞喜剧 musical

滑稽场面, 搞笑小噱头 shtick

滑稽短剧 skit

京剧人物脸谱 Peking Opera Mask

文人 men of letters

雅士 refined scholars

表演艺术 performing art

现代流行艺术 popular art, pop art

纯艺术 high art

高雅艺术 refined art

电影艺术 cinematographic art

戏剧艺术 theatrical art

才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

皮影戏 shadow play; leather-silhouette show

说书 story-telling

叠罗汉 make a human pyramid

折子戏 opera highlights

踩高跷 stilt walk

哑剧 pantomime; mime

哑剧演员 pantomimist

戏剧小品 skit

马戏 circus show

单口相声 monologue comic talk, standup comedy

特技表演 stunt

相声 witty dialogue comedy, comic cross talk

杂技 acrobatics

京韵大鼓 the traditional story-telling in Beijing dialect with drum accompaniment

秦腔 Shaanxi opera
