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er Every Question 回答每一個問題

The SAT doesn’t have a guessing penalty, so you should fill in an answer bubble for every question even if you have no clue what the correct response is. If you find yourself with a few questions left in the section and only 30 seconds on the clock, you should provide random answers for all of them.


Prepared for the Format 熟悉考試形式

Knowing what to expect is half the battle on the SAT. When you sit down to take the test, you want everything to look familiar so you can avoid mistakes triggered by stress. At the very least, you should review the timing and structure of the exam before test day. Taking practice tests with appropriate time constraints is the best thing you can do to alleviate confusion on this front.


’t Linger on Hard Questions 別和難題過不去

Getting stuck on one question for too long can do serious damage to your performance on the SAT, especially considering the fact that there are only four sections. If you have no idea how to solve a math problem or can’t seem to settle on one choice for a writing or reading question, skip it and move on. You can come back to it after you make it through the rest of the section.



Introduction First 先讀引言


tion With Line Numbers First 行數提示題先行


 ils Before Main Idea 先細節題後主旨大意題


 7. Take Advantage of Find the Evidence Questions 順藤摸瓜

在SAT閱讀考試中,經常會出現這樣一道題:Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?這是一道證據題,讓你在本題中為你上道題所做的選擇提供證據支援。碰上這道題,先閱讀上道題的題目,但不急於做題,然後從這道證據題入手,根據選項中行數提示,就能很快在原文中定位出上道題答案出現的位置。

te Your Answer in the Passage 如何在原文中尋找答案




  in Doubt, Choose the Most Concise Answer 猜題的技巧


  CHANGE Answers Are Just Like Other Choices NO CHANGE也是選項之一

Often, NO CHANGE answers are wrongfully viewed as more likely or less likely options than other answer choices in the Writing section. In fact, they’re just as likely to be correct as any of the alternative options. Don’t be afraid to pick NO CHANGE if you’ve double checked your reasoning and determined that it’s the correct choice.

很多同學看到文法題中的NO CHANGE總是一臉懵逼,總覺得這種選項怪怪的,所以做題的時候不敢選這一選項。其實NO CHANGE跟其它選項一樣,只不過是四個選項中的一個選項而已,如果你覺得其它三個選項都不如原文的用法好的.話,就勇敢地選擇它吧~

   Rid of Duplicate Answers 選出特別的那一項

Sometimes, questions on the Writing section will have answer choices that are so similar to one another that choosing one over the other wouldn’t make any functional difference in the sentence structure. This means you can get rid of two choices in one fell swoop.




  the Formulas 熟記公式

Although the SAT does provide important formulas at the beginning of each of the Math sections, you’ll be a much more efficient test-taker if you have the formulas memorized. It's a waste of time to keep flipping back to the beginning of the section whenever you think you need a formula to solve a problem.


in Answers 代入法:化繁為簡

If you have no idea how to solve a math problem, one way to get around that is just to plug in the answer choices until you find the correct solution.


Xerxes is x years old and 4 years older than Zera. How old was Zara 7 years ago?

tate 加強筆記法練習


15.3W Principle for SAT Essay 掌握3W原則


3W Principle for SAT Essay:

What the author does?

Why he or she does it?

What effect this is likely to have on readers?

  late for SAT Essay掌握SAT寫作框架

掌握新SAT Essay 寫作的構架技巧,能夠讓你用更加清晰的文筆將自己對原文的分析過程躍然紙上。下面為大家提供一種清晰的文章結構正規化:

