

  • 分類\ 託福
  • 時間\ 2020-02-15




It is always a blessing for people to find someone whom they can count on in their greatest time of need. Old friends know us the best and they will never judge us and will accept us just for who we are. We can share the deepest secrets of our mind with those who we have known for decades. Sometimes even talking seems unnecessary since they can easily understand what we are thinking without saying a word. When hanging out with old friends, we do not have to choose our words meticulously and we can joke about our most embarrassing moments without the fear of being judged.


① count on 指望、仰賴

=rely on

② hang out 閒逛


與…相互交流 interact with

結識 make acquaintance with

親密關係 intimate relationship

穩定關係 stable relationship

保持聯絡 keep in contact with

建立良好關係 establish sound relationships with

持久的友誼 enduring/longstanding friendship

增強友誼 cement friendship

一輩子的朋友 lifelong companion


✎ It is often not a good thing to move to a new city or country because of the loss of old friends. (2014.9.21)

✎ The ability to maintain a small number of friends for a long time is more important to happiness than the ability to make new friends easily. (2014.8.30)

✎ It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends.



在託福寫作引論文中,通常遵循introduction- body-conclusion(引言段-主體段-結論段)的“三步曲”。Body(主體)段落提供了論證觀點的'理由,是整個文章的主體,在評分中佔有很大的比重。例如一篇滿分的託福作文必須“presents a fully developed position in answer to the question with relevant,fully extended and well supported ideas”。這裡的“fully extended/well supported”,必須通過主體段來體現。

e a topic sentence for each paragraph you plan to write. Each topic sentence should relate to your thesis statement and introduce what the paragraph will be about. If you find that the topics you want to discuss do not support the thesis statement you have written, revise your thesis statement or reconsider your topic sentences.


e ideas that support your topic sentences. The topic sentence for each paragraph tells the reader what the paragraph will be about. The ideas stated in the rest of the paragraph should all relate to the topic sentence.


託福寫作評分標準中還要求“is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations,exemplifications,and/or details”,同樣必須通過主體段落髮展來實現。一般來說,一篇議論文必須包含至少兩個主體段。每個主體段都必須有明確的主題句“topic sentence”和若干支援句“supporting sentences”。他們共同組成文章的理由段,對全文的論點提供理由支援。建議初學者在練習議論文寫作時,必須遵循理由段發展的幾個簡單原則,這對迅速完成理由段、構建連貫和理由充分的議論文大有幫助。