
來源:文萃谷 5.18K

Farewell To Vice-Prefect Du Setting Out For His Official Post In Shu


城闕輔三秦By this wall that surrounds the three Qin districts,

風煙望五津Through a mist that makes five rivers one,

與君離別意We bid each other a sad farewell,

同是宦遊人We two officials going opposite ways....

海內存知己And yet, while China holds our friendship,

天涯若比鄰And heaven remains our neighbourhood,

無為在歧路Why should you linger at the fork of the road,

兒女共沾巾Wiping your eyes like a heart-broken child?


  每日一詩:王維 Wang Wei 竹裏館

獨坐幽篁裏Leaning alone in the close bamboos,

彈琴復長嘯I am playing my lute and humming a song

深林人不知Too softly for anyone to hear --

明月來相照Except my comrade, the bright moon


月黑雁飛高High in the faint moonlight, wild geese are soaring.

單于夜遁逃Tartar chieftains are fleeing through the dark --

欲將輕騎逐And we chase them, with horses lightly burdened

大雪滿弓刀And a burden of snow on our bows and our swords.

  每日一詩:盧綸 Lu Lun 塞下曲四首之一

鷲翎金僕姑His golden arrow is tipped with hawk's feathers,

燕尾繡蝥弧His embroidered silk flag has a tail like a swallow.

獨立揚新令One man, arising, gives a new order

千營共一呼To the answering shout of a thousand tents.

  每日一詩:柳宗元 江雪

千山鳥飛絕A hundred mountains and no bird,

萬徑人蹤滅A thousand paths without a footprint;

孤舟蓑笠翁A little boat, a bamboo cloak,

獨釣寒江雪An old man fishing in the cold river-snow.

  每日一詩:王維 洛陽女兒行

洛陽女兒對門居There's a girl from Loyang in the door across the street,

才可容顏十五餘She looks fifteen, she may be a little older.

良人玉勒乘驄馬e her master rides his rapid horse with jade bit an bridle,

侍女金盤膾鯉魚Her handmaid brings her cod-fish in a golden plate.

畫閣朱樓盡相望On her painted pavilions, facing red towers,

紅桃綠柳垂檐向Cornices are pink and green with peach-bloom and with willow,

羅帷送上七香車Canopies of silk awn her seven-scented chair,

寶扇迎歸九華帳And rare fans shade her, home to her nine-flowered curtains.

狂夫富貴在青春Her lord, with rank and wealth and in the bud of life,

意氣驕奢劇季倫Exceeds in munificence the richest men of old.

自憐碧玉親教舞He favours this girl of lowly birth, he has her taught to dance;

不惜珊瑚持與人And he gives away his coral-trees to almost anyone.

春窗曙滅九微火The wind of dawn just stirs when his nine soft lights go out,

九微片片飛花瑣Those nine soft lights like petals in a flying chain of flowers.

戲罷曾無理曲時Between dances she has barely time for singing over the songs;

粧成只是薰香坐No sooner is she dressed again than incense burns before her.

城中相識盡繁華Those she knows in town are only the rich and the lavish,

日夜經過趙李家And day and night she is visiting the hosts of the gayest mansions.

誰憐越女顏如玉 notices the girl from Yue with a face of white jade,

貧賤江頭自浣紗Humble, poor, alone, by the river, washing silk?
