
來源:文萃谷 5.4K




eg,the affectin f parents fr their children 父母對兒女的愛

Hard as he wred,he still failed.

3 表祝願的句型:

eg, Lng live ur friendship! 願我們的友誼常青!

Ma u succeed/be successful!

Unit 10 frightening nature

一 重點短語

1 get int a ttal panic陷入完全的恐慌

2 ae ne’s hair stand n end使毛骨悚然

3 be scared/frightened/ t death嚇死

4 what terrifies/frightens/scares e is that…令我害怕的是

5 draw/attract/catch/capture ne’s attentin t …吸引某人的注意力

6 at a distance隔開一段距離 in the distance在遠處

eep ne’s distance fr… 與…保持距離,不親近

eg,eep ur distance fr that dg.離狗遠點

eep sb at a distance疏遠某人,不親近

eg,He lies t eep peple at a distance/eep his distance fr peple.

7 awae/aruse ne’s cnscience(curisit,interest,er)



8 at hand 在手邊,靠近的eep a dictinar (read) at hand.把詞典放在手邊

9 find a wa ut 找到出路

10 urge sb t d 敦促,力勸某人做 注意:urge that.. ..(shuld) d

11 upn/n ne’s arrival/arriving某人一到場

12 pic ut挑選出,識別出 區別: ae ut 看出,聽出,辨別出

13 it’s ne thing t d ..,anther t d.做…是一回事,做…是另外一回事

14(get) n bard(登上)飛機,船,火車 g abrad出國

15 nc abut (sp)(sb)漫遊,遊蕩某地;虐待某人

16 all f a sudden/all at nce突然

17 be dne fr(口語)被毀掉,完蛋

18 live thrugh歷經(並倖存) 比較:g thrugh經過,經歷,瀏覽

get thrugh通過,完成 pull thrugh從(疾病)中恢復;度過難關

19 strie a atch劃火柴 (想想strie 還有那些意思?)

t up點燃 ;容光煥發

21 hld/reach ut (ne’s hand)fr伸手去拿

22 a puff f wind一股風

23 bur ne’s head in ne’s hands雙手蒙臉 bur neself in=be buried in 埋頭於,專心於

聯想be buried in/be invlved in/be engaged in/be ccupied in/be epled in忙於,專心於,從事

24 spt sb ding sth=catch sb ding sth發現某人做 spt ne’s ptential發現某人的潛質

spt ne’s fae/reputatin=leave a spt n ne’s fae/reputatin玷污某人的名譽,聲譽

be n the spt 在現場

25 cal (sb)dwn(使某人)鎮定

26 What’s up?怎麼了? It’s up t u t decide it.這件事由你決定。

27 swear t d/that…發誓保證 eg,I swear never t cheat u.


1 The sight f it awe(arused) the scientist in  uncle t g and see it clse at hand.


2 Upn arrival, uncle hugged pp and tried t give hi curage.

“n/upn + 名詞/動名詞”可在句中作狀語,意為“一……就= as sn as

其他類似表達:(1)the (ver) ent (instant,inute,secnd,etc.)…

(2) instantl;iediatel; directl

(3) n ;hardl/

3 Supprted b the tw slaves,he std up,and iediatel fell dwn dead.

4 He led re asleep than dead.與其説他死了倒不如説他睡着了。

此處意為“與其説…倒不如説..”。如: He was re frightened than angr. 與其説他生氣了,倒不如説他是嚇壞了。

5 u can pic ut the iprtant bits,fr it is ne thing t write a letter,anther t write histr.

6 Captain saw a white twer f water advancing twards the.

7 With a tearing crash,tns f water fell upn the dec,as thugh the ship passed under a waterfall.隨着一陣撕裂般的嘩啦聲,成噸的海水潑向甲板,彷彿輪船駛過了瀑布。

8 The hurricane,with its pwer t sin ships and t destr strng walls,had fund this little ship in its path.一股具有倒海沉船、摧毀銅牆鐵壁般威力的颶風,一路風馳電掣來到小船前。


例如:1 Wuld u lie t ce t the part? es,I’d lve t(ce t the part) .

2 D u want t be a teacher? N, I dn’t want t be(a teacher).

3 Wh didn’t u ce t the part esterda?

I intended t have(ce t the part),but I had sething iprtant..

4 If nt carefull dealt with,the situatin wuld be wrse.

=If the situatin is nt carefull with,…
