
來源:文萃谷 7.34K



 Working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office.

In modern life, important inventions such as computers and telephones have exerted a significant effect on our daily life, especially the way of working. Recently there is a hot debate over the issue which is better, working at home using computers and telephones or working at the office. As far as I am concerned, I have preference for the former one with the following reasons.

First and foremost, working at home by using computers and telephones will benefit employees in many aspects. For one thing, this way of working enables employees to have more flexible working schedule. With the help of computers and telephones, staffs have easy access to the files and documents needed in the process of working on a project without going out. For another, the time and money spent in commuting between company and home can be saved. This is especially true of those people who live in the cities with heavy traffic. For example, many people working in Beijing have to get up very early in the morning to take the over-crowded subway or bus to their working places. This problem can be solved by working at home. Besides, working at home provides employees much more comfortable working environment. Compared with the narrow and separated working area, home is a better place with more space and less noise.

What’s more, employers will another beneficiary from the practice of working at home. On one hand, provided that more and more employees choose telecommuting, the company’s cost in office and equipments will drop dramatically. To be specific, the overhead of running a company include various bills, such as utilities, computers and office space, which will be saved by telecommuting. On the other hand, working independently at home will improve the working efficiency, which makes more profits for the company. According to a survey conducted by the department of psychology in Boston University, people will work more efficiently under the condition that there was no interruption from others. Thus the reduction of cost and the improvement of working efficiency are combined to earn more revenues for the employers.

Admittedly, some opponents may argue that working in office will enhance people’s social skills by communicating with colleagues and boss, while working at home may alienate the relationship with coworkers. However, the above reason does not bear further analysis. Working at home does not means that telecommuters at home have no chances to communicate with others. In fact, by using the electronic gadgets such as computers and phones, they are more likely to meet a larger group of people from all walks of life, thus acquiring stronger social skills.

From what has been discussed above, it is safe to draw a conclusion that it is much better to work at home using computers and telephones than to work in office


你可以想象的到一坨屎改卷的時候跟大學聯考老師一樣苦逼麼。天天對着電腦看成千上萬的卷子。最恐怖的是everything almost identical,再如果他前天晚上剛和老婆/老公吵架,改卷子的時候心情極度不好,該怎麼辦?在這樣惡劣的情況下,如果你還好死不死的放一條“又臭又長”的TS讓他捉雞,即便你的英語功底再好,句子再複雜再豐富,也逃不過潛在的厄運。相反的,如果是你,與思想簡單,主謂賓齊全,表意清晰的TS,清清爽爽,邏輯順暢的TS相比,你更喜歡哪個?答案不言而喻。説了那麼多,只想告訴大家,TS不是體現複雜語言功底的利器,正相反,如果你要靠一句或兩句TS抓住一坨屎的眼球,獲得他們的青睞,那麼你就是撿了芝麻,丟了西瓜了。畢竟,mainbody還是在後面。那麼TS除了文章中的結構功能,還能有什麼正面作用幫你快速獲取ETS的青睞呢?



2)邏輯詞。這個我不是非常在行,我知道的邏輯詞也就那麼幾個。如果你在看文章的時候看到了比較native的邏輯詞的話,那就用上吧。我估計一坨屎他們一天可以看上千個first, second, third, addtionally, apart from...

3)高度改寫。把你接下來的表意高度概括成一句話,或換種方式表達。比如説在家裏工作可以節約上班時間。一般人會直接這麼translate上去,聰明人會換種更attractive的説法:Traffic jam may not become a tough problem to solve when working at home.這個例子不是太好。總之可以從正反兩面給出你的論點。不過對於那些寫作文經常“迂迴”的同學,這條慎用!

