
來源:文萃谷 2.98W




  hold   / həuld; hold/ v (pt, pp held / held; hɛld/)

[Tn, ] take and keep or support (sb/sth) in one’s arms, hands, teeth, etc 拿住, 抓住, 抱住, 咬住, 托住, 支撐住(某人[某物]):

例:The girl was holding her father’s hand. 那女孩抓住她父親的手.

例:The lovers held each other tight. 這一對情侶緊緊地摟抱着.

例:They were holding hands, ie holding each other’s hands. 他們手握着手.

例:She was holding an umbrella. 她拿着一把傘.

例:She held me by the sleeve. 她抓住我的袖子.

例:She was holding the baby in her arms. 她抱着嬰兒.

例:He held the rope in his teeth as he climbed the tree. 他爬樹時用牙齒咬着繩子.

[Tf, Cn.a, Cn.t] (fml 文) believe, consider or regard 相信; 認為; 視作:

例:I hold that the government’s economic policies are mistaken. 我認為政府的經濟政策是錯誤的.

例:I hold the parents responsible for their child’s behaviour. 我認為父母應對子女的行為負責.

例:I hold him to be a fool. 我認為他是個傻瓜.

  propose  / prəˈpəuz; prəˋpoz/ v

[Tn, Tf, Tg] offer or put forward (sth) for consideration; suggest 提議, 建議(某事物): The motion (ie for debate) was proposed by Mr X and seconded by Mrs Y. 那動議經X先生提出有Y夫人附議. 例:The committee proposed that new legislation should be drafted. 委員會建議着手起草新法規. Cf 參看 second3 2.

[I, Ipr, Tn, ] ~ (sth) (to sb) suggest or offer marriage (to sb), esp formally (向某人)求婚(尤指正式地):

例:He was trying to decide whether he should propose (to her). 他反覆思量是否該(向她)求婚.

例:He had proposed marriage, unsuccessfully, twice already. 他已經兩次求婚, 均未成功.

(idm 習語) propose sb’s `health/a `toast ask people to drink to sb’s health and happiness 提議為某人的健康和幸福而乾杯:

I should like to propose a toast to the bride and bridegroom. 我提議為新娘新郎的幸福乾杯.

deem  / diːm; dim/ v [Tf, Tnt esp passive 尤用於被動語態, Cn.a esp passive 尤用於被動語態, Cn.n] (fml 文) consider; regard 認為; 視為:

例:He deemed that it was his duty to help. 他認為他有責任加以援助.

例:She was deemed (to be) the winner. 人們認為是她獲勝.

例:It is deemed advisable. 這認為是可取的.

例:I deem it a great honour to be invited to address you. 要我向諸位講幾句話, 我覺得非常榮幸.

successor 這個單詞,請注意!不是“成功者”,而是“繼任者”。

/ səkˈsesə(r); səkˋsɛsɚ/ n ~ (to sb/sth) person or thing that comes after and takes the place of (sb/sth) 接替的人或事物; 後繼者; 繼任者; 繼承人: the successor to the throne 王位的繼承人

例:appoint a successor to the headmaster 任命繼任校長

例:This car is the successor to our popular hatchback model. 這種汽車是我廠着名的帶上掀式斜背小轎車的換代產品.  1)considerable / kənˈsɪdərəbl; kənˋsɪdərəbl/ adj

great in amount or size 相當多的; 相當大的: a considerable quantity, sum, distance, etc 相當大的數量﹑ 數目﹑ 距離等

例: bought at considerable expense 花很多錢買到的.

2)considerably  / -əblɪ; -əblɪ/ adv

much; a great deal 非常; 很; 相當地:

例:It's considerably colder this morning. 今早冷得多.

  withstand / wɪðˈstænd, also wɪθˈs-; wɪðˋstænd, wɪθˋs-/v

(pt, pp withstood / -ˈstud; -ˋstʊd/) [Tn] (often fml 常作文雅語) endure (sth) without giving in, collapsing, wearing out, etc; resist 承受住(某事物); 抵住: withstand attacks, pressure, wind 禁得住攻擊﹑ 壓力﹑ 風吹

例:shoes that will withstand hard wear 耐穿的'鞋.  1)current / ˈkʌrənt; ˋkəənt/ adj

[usu attrib 通常作定語] of the present time; happening now 現在的; 現行的; 當前發生的: current issues, problems, prices 目前的議題﹑問題﹑價格

例:the current issue of a magazine 最新一期的雜誌

例:the current year, ie this year 今年

例:current events in India 印度的要聞

例:her current boy-friend 她現在的男朋友.

in common or general use; generally accepted 通用的; 通行的; 被普遍接受的: current opinions, beliefs, etc 普遍的看法﹑ 信仰等

例:words that are no longer current 已不通用的詞

例:a rumour that is current (ie widely known) in the city 在城裏廣為傳播的謠言. =>Usage at new 用法見new.

currently adv at the present time 當前; 時下: our director, who is currently in London 本公司的董事, 現在倫敦.

current account (esp Brit) (US checking account) bank account from which money can be drawn without previous notice 活期存款賬户.

current af`fairs events of political importance happening in the world at the present time 時事.

current `assets (commerce 商) assets which change in the course of business (eg money owed) 流動資產. Cf 參看 fixed assets (fix1).

2)current  / ˈkʌrənt; ˋkəənt/ n

[C] movement of water, air, etc flowing in a certain direction through slower-moving or still water, air, etc (水﹑氣等的)流, 流動: The swimmer was swept away by the current. 那個游泳的人被激流捲走了.

例: She had to swim against the current. 她必須逆着水流往上游.

例: Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft. 懸掛式滑翔機藉着暖氣流在高空飛行.

[U, sing] flow of electricity through sth or along a wire or cable 電流: a 15-amp current 強度為15安培的電流

例: Turn on the current. 接通電源.

例: A sudden surge in the current made the lights fuse. 電壓突然增加燒斷了保險絲而使電燈熄滅. Cf 參看 alternating current (alternate2), direct current (direct1).

[C] course or movement (of events, opinions, etc); trend (事件﹑ 見解等的)趨向, 趨勢, 傾向: Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village. 沒有任何事幹擾村裏一向平靜的生活.

例: We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling. 我們應該努力消除目前的這股反政府情緒.
