
來源:文萃谷 9.53K



1. 老虎也有萌的時候!捕鳥不成反摔倒

Flipped by the bird: Tiger ends up on its back after trying to leap up and catch featheredprey that had landed in its zoo enclosure.

2. 鳥兒讓虎怦然心動:一隻老虎試圖捕捉飛來的飛禽,奮然躍起卻仰天摔倒在地。

This is the incredible moment a tiger was sent crashing to the floor after mistiming an attack on a fleet-footed bird.

3. 這真是不可思議的一幕,老虎追捕飛來的鳥,卻因為沒有算準時機而滑倒。

The ferocious feline was chasing what was sure to be dinner when it slipped on the icy surface and lost its footing.

4.  這隻兇猛的貓科動物正追逐本以為可以用作美餐的飛禽,卻失足摔在了冰雪覆蓋的大地上。

As the tiger raced towards the bird, it flew directly upwards forcing the mammal to try and stop dead in its tracks.

5. 正當老虎奔向飛禽時,飛禽向上飛向空中,讓這隻哺乳動物試圖捕捉卻倒在了捕食的路上。

The hilarious moment took place at the Hengdaohezi Siberian Tiger Park in Northeast China and was captured by photographer Libby Zhang.

6.  讓人捧腹大笑的這一幕發生在中國東北的西伯利亞橫道河子老虎園,由攝影師利比·張所拍攝.

Libby, from Houston in Texas, was visiting the park and photographing the tigers' feeding session.

7. 來自美國得克薩斯州休斯敦市的利比,當時正在園內拍攝給老虎餵食的過程。

She said: ‘The crowd burst out in a roar of laughter - it was during feeding time and several chickens were tossed at the tigers.’

8. 她説:“在場的人們看到這一幕都大笑不止,當時正是餵食時間,飼養員給老虎扔了幾隻飛禽。”

One tiger tried to reach it but he lost his balance on the slippery icy and fell backwards.

9. 一直老虎試圖去捕抓,卻滑倒在結冰的地面上並整個摔倒在地。

‘I was surprised to see the tiger slip and raised my camera in a hurry with rapid fires on the trigger.’

10. “我一看到老虎滑倒,讓我很是驚訝,並馬上拿起相機迅速按下快門,記錄下了這一刻。”

‘I wanted to capture the beauty and power of tigers in the same image, but this tiger slip series was a total surprise and added bonus for my trip.’



1. 英國最小的狗狗身高7.6cm:以為自己是隻喵

Standing at a mere three inches and weighing less than a bag of sugar Britain's smallest puppy is so tiny she thinks she's a kitten.

2. 高僅三英寸,重不過一包糖,這隻英國體型最小的狗狗是那麼的小,以至於它認為自己是隻小貓咪。

Disney, a pocket-sized Chihuahua, was part of a litter of three born on January 25 - but hasn't grown since she was eight-weeks-old.


She weighs just 14oz and can be carried around by owner Natalie Vanes, 26, in the palm of her hand.


The mother-of-one has to keep Disney away from her three other dogs at her home in Coseley, West Midlands, in case they mistake her for a toy.

4. 娜塔莉有一個孩子,家住西米德蘭茲郡的科西利。平日裏娜塔莉要將狄斯妮和她的另外三隻狗分隔開來,以防這三隻狗誤把狄斯妮當玩具。

As a result, Disney forged an inseparable bond with Ms Vanes' pet kitten Kiera and they have been best friends ever since.

5. 於是乎,狄斯妮與維斯女士的'寵物貓基拉建立了密不可分的聯繫。它們自此成為彼此最好的朋友。

The pair also sleep together on a heat-mat in a special dog crate, which is kept in Ms Vanes' bedroom, and can fit in a plant-pot together.

6. 狄斯妮和基拉還一起睡在一個特製的狗籠裏,共享一張隔熱墊。狗籠放在維斯女士的卧室。它們還能擠在一個植物盆裏。

Ms Vanes, who lives with her fiance Stephen, 30, and their five-year-old daughter, said: 'Disney was a normal sized little puppy and was fed and reared by her mum Tinkerbell and didn't really need any special treatment.

7. 維斯女士和她30歲的未婚夫斯蒂芬以及他們五歲大的女兒住在一起。維斯女士説: “狄斯妮這隻小可愛,體型正常,由它的媽媽汀科貝爾餵養,並不需要特別的照顧。”

'I have to be careful when I take her out, I wrap her in a blanket as she gets cold and no collar is big enough to fit her.“

8. 我帶狄斯妮出去的時候必須很小心,為了防止它着涼,我會把它放在一個籃子裏,因為沒有大小適合它的項圈。

'She became best friends with Kiera as we needed to keep away from the other dogs in case she got squashed.“

9. 狄斯妮和基拉成了最好的朋友,因為我們要把狄斯妮和其他狗分開以防它被擠壓。”

'They soon became inseparable and would be by each other's side all the time. Disney plays with the tiny fluffy mice toys as dog toys are too big and heavy for her.

10. 狄斯妮和基拉很快就密不可分,總是如影隨形。狄斯妮玩的是小小的毛絨老鼠玩具,因為狗的玩具對它來説太大也太重。

'She also enjoyed stealing Kiera's food, she thought she was a kitten and they snuggle up together as well.'

11. 狄斯妮還很喜歡偷吃基拉的食物,它認為自己就是隻小貓咪。它們也會相互依偎在一起。”

Disney only weighs the same weight of a five-week-old average Chihuahua, which currently makes her the smallest dog in Britain.

12. 狄斯妮只有一隻一般五週大的吉娃娃那麼重,這使它成為不列顛目前體型最小的狗。

The 14-week-old pup is on course to break a Guinness World Record for the smallest dog if she continues to grow at the same rate.

13. 如果它保持現在的生長速度,這隻14周大的小狗即將打破吉尼斯世界紀錄,成為世界上最小的狗。
