
來源:文萃谷 3.04W



The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ.皮膚是身體必不可少的部分,也是身體的最大器官。You have three layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun's harmful rays.皮膚有三層,它們是防病、防毒、抵禦太陽有害光線侵害的一道屏障。The functions of your skin are also very complex:皮膚的功能十分複雜。it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water;皮膚可以保暖或禦寒,保持體內水分。it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch.正是皮膚使你感到冷熱、疼痛,它還使你有觸覺。So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious.因此,你可以想象到,如果你的皮膚燒傷了,就可能非常嚴重。First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns.在治療燒傷的過程中,緊急處理是非常重要的第一步。 Causes of burns燒傷的原因:

You can get burned by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation (by being close to high heat or fire, etc), the sun, electricity or chemicals.你可能由於各種原因而燒傷:灼熱的液體、水蒸氣、火、輻射(由於靠近高温或大火)、陽光、電和化學物品。 Types of burns燒傷的種類:

There are three types of burns.燒傷有三類。Burns are called first, second or third degree burns,

depending on which layers of the skin are burned.根據皮膚燒傷的層次分為一度燒傷、二度燒傷和三度燒傷。

◎ First degree burns: These affect only the top layer of the skin. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a moment.


◎ Second degree burns These affect both the top and the second layer of the skin. These burns are serious and take a few weeks to heal. Examples include severe sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids.


◎ Third degree burns These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These burns cause very severe injuries and the victim must go to hospital at once.


Characteristics of burns燒傷的特性: First degree burns一度燒傷:

◎ dry, red and mildly swollen乾燥、發紅、微腫 ◎ mildly painful微痛

◎ turn white when pressed受壓時變白 Second degree burns二度燒傷

◎ rough, red and swollen粗糙、發紅、腫脹 ◎ blisters起水泡

◎ watery surface表層滲液 ◎ extremely painful極其疼痛 Third degree burns三度燒傷:

◎ black and white and charred黑、白和焦炭色相間

◎ swollen; often tissue under them can be seen腫脹,可看到皮下組織

◎ little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be pain around edge of injured area. 若損害了神經,則沒有疼痛或輕微疼痛,或者在創面四周有疼感 First aid treatment急救處理:

1 Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn. Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.


2 Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water. It is best to place burns under gently running water for about 10 minutes. (The cool water stops the burning process, prevents the pain becoming unbearable and reduces swelling.) Do not put cold water on third degree burns. 2、馬上用涼水給傷口沖涼,但不能用冰水。最好是把燒傷的部位放在慢速流動的自來水下衝洗大約10分鐘。(涼水可以阻止燒傷的進程,可以防止無法忍受的疼痛,還可以減輕腫脹程度)。三度燒傷不可用冷水衝。

3 For first degree burns, place cool, clean, wet cloths on them until the pain is not so bad. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back in a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad.


4 Dry the burned area gently. Do not rub, as this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.

4、輕輕地把燒傷面弄乾,但不要擦拭,因為這樣做可能會擦破水泡,傷口會感染。 5 Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage that will not stick to the skin. Hold the bandage in place with tape. Never put butter, oil or ointment on burns as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.


6 If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible. If burns are on the face,

the victim should sit up.


7 If the injuries are second or third degree burns, it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once.



Seventeen-year-old teenager, John Janson, was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards last night in Rivertown for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack.17歲的`青年約翰·詹森昨晚在裏弗鎮的救生員頒獎大會上領獎,因為他在一次駭人聽聞的持刀襲擊案件發生後,為鄰居實施了緊急救援。

John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.在頒獎大會上,約翰被授予獎賞。大會共表彰了搶救他人生命的十個人的勇敢行為。

John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. (那天)約翰正在房裏學習,突然聽到一聲尖叫,When he and his father rushed outside, a man ran from the scene.他和父親趕緊衝出去,發現一名男子從現場逃跑,They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife.而三個孩子的母親安·斯萊德被人連捅了數刀。She was lying in her front garden bleeding very heavily.她躺在前花園的地上,流血不止。Her hands had almost been cut off.她的雙手幾乎被砍斷了。

It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade's life.正是約翰快捷的動作和急救知識救了斯萊德女士的命。He immediately asked a number of nearby people for bandages, but when nobody could put their hands on any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house.他立即向附近的一些人要繃帶,當他們都找不到繃帶的時候,他的父親從屋裏拿出一些擦杯盤的布和膠帶來。John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slade's hands.約翰就用這些東西把斯萊德手上最嚴重的傷口包紮起來。He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.他使勁地按住傷口,使血流得慢些,一直等到警察和救護車的到來。


John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school.約翰在讀高中時就參加了青年救生員組織。When congratulating John, Mr Alan Southerton, Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said, is no doubt that John's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learned at school saved Ms Slade's life. It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.該組織的主任艾倫·薩瑟頓先生在向約翰表示祝賀時説:“毫無疑問,是約翰敏捷的思維和在學校學到的急救技術,挽救了斯萊德女士的生命。這表明懂得急救知識的確能發揮重要作用。”

Before receiving their awards last night, John and the nine other Life Savers attended a special reception yesterday hosted by the Prime Minister.約翰和其他九位救生員在昨晚領獎時,還出席了由首相主持的特殊的招待會。
