
來源:文萃谷 1.64W

 赴美國留學 SAT寫作考試提高的技巧



SAT寫作6分標準裏第一個項目是這樣説的effectively and insightfully develops a point of view on the issue and demonstrates outstanding critical thinking, using clearly appropriate examples, reasons and other evidence to support its position.從這裏我們可以看到,SAT滿分標準最強調和重視的是眾考生的邏輯思維以及他們對特定事物的思辨性的考慮。Insight是指大家對事物深入而深刻的看法,中文可以理解成洞察力。Critical thinking則是辯證性的思考。Using clearly appropriate examples, reasons and other evidence to support its position是要大家用例子,理由或者其他證據去證明自己的觀點。需要注意的是在例子、理由和證據前面有一個clearly,也就是説考官的要求是要大家清晰的表達自己的看法。這個清晰其實就是強調大家的一種邏輯性。例子理由要與你的觀點密切相關。例子理由如何支撐文章的觀點要非常清晰的得以體現。

我們來看一篇學生習作的開頭段:In our world, truth and lie exist in a way the same as that of the black and white. It’s obviously for us to see that one of them is opposite to the other. So[e1] many people think directly[e2] that they are not same at all. But in fact, they are the same things in the whole, because both of them are little [e3] parts compared to the integration. Their function is to make the integration execute fluently and effective, which can benefit more people. So my idea is that truth or lie is just a kind of formation. [e4] What determines our choice is the result can really help people rather than tangle with the apparent formation.[e5]

學生習作的題目是Do circumstances determine whether or not people should tell the truth。我們看到上面的習作中有一些邏輯連接詞so,but,because等。明顯的,在這一段中,學生的邏輯非常混亂。看到第一個批註中的內容:注意此處的邏輯關係。‘明顯的他們有區別,但是,一些人。。’注意是轉折應該用however或者but等。但是,再接着看到後面一句你用的but,也就是説前面不能用轉折關係了,要改用although的讓步關係。而且,後面解釋的時候已經表達了第一段第二句的意思,所以建議刪掉第二句話。(該段落的其他問題見旁邊的批註)

再來看一下學生根據修改意見修改後的開頭段:In our world, truth and lie exist in a way the same as that of the black and white. So many people consider that they are not the same at all. In fact, both of them are parts of the integration. That is, they are the same things. And the reason of their existence is that it can supply more ways for people to release their emotion. As far as I am concerned, I vote that people don’t have to always tell the truth, because sometimes it can hurt people, whom maybe you would have helped. 修改後的內容在表達上清晰了許多。


滿分標準中的第二個要求:is well organized and clearly focused, demonstrating clear coherence and smooth progression of ideas.’’


P1 Introductory sentence. Thesis. Sentence previewing three examples.

P2 Transition + topic sentence. Support sentence. Additional support (Example 1). Closing sentence summarizing the paragraph (with the take-away point).

P3 Transition + topic sentence. Support sentence. Additional support(Example 2). Closing sentence summarizing the paragraph (with the take-away point).

P4 Transition + topic sentence. Support sentence. Additional support (Example 3). Closing sentence summarizing the paragraph (with the take-away point).

P5 Conclusion.

現在許多學生的寫作的一個很大的問題在於,開頭段結尾段的結構能夠得到保證,但是中間段落的Topic Sentence和 Concluding Sentence不喜歡寫。單純的在開頭段後舉例是不能有力的證明自己的觀點的。每個中間段的完整結構必須有分支觀點句,支撐句和結論句。分支觀點句往往是例子要告訴人們的道理或者作者要通過例子表達的內容的總括。結論句往往是對例子的分析:在這個例子中,通過什麼從而使什麼怎麼樣。


If life is considered more important than honesty, lies can be justified.

A very representative example of this point is the story of Nicolaus Copernicus, the vanguard of modern astronomy. His idea that the earth rotates around the sun and human beings are just part of the nature was so radical at his time that the Roman Catholic Church accused him of serious crime of heresy. Knowing that he would die if he continued to tell his theory publicly, he told lies that he recanted his theory. And so he protected his life. His idea though he renounced in front of the church, he secretly continued his research. In this case, Nicolaus did not tell the truth. However, he followed his heart and he contributed tremendously to the scientific community. Circumstances justified his lies because life is much more valuable than anything else on earth.

黃色標註的部分為結構提示部分。第一個和最後一個句子是分支觀點句和結論句。Example所在的句子是例子的引出,in this case 舉例完後對例子的總結分析。這樣一箇中間段落才稱得上是一個結構完整的中間段。這也是眾多考試寫作是應該注意的一個重要問題。


同樣來看評分標準中對詞彙方面的描述:exhibits skillful use of language, using a varied, accurate and apt vocabulary.

這裏,college board 要求大家展示出非常有技巧的語言使用,並選擇多變的精準的合適的詞彙。注意到這裏的要求是精準和合適,並沒有要求大家去使用各種所謂的大詞。

現在寫作的一個誤區是許多學生在表達一個意思的時候喜歡選用一些音節很長但是意思並不精準的詞彙。這樣一來導致的直接後果就是詞彙的誤用。因為所有語言在翻譯的過程中必定會造成某些含義的丟失。比如send這個詞,我們翻譯成送。那麼在表示我昨天送朋友去火車站了這樣一個表達是,許多中國學生可能會選用send這個詞。但是我們需要注意到的是在韋氏字典裏對send這個詞的解釋是to convey by an agent 也就是説用send 這個詞的時候意味着自己是不用去的。這是一個因翻譯導致的詞彙誤用的例子。

另外,還有一些不地道的表達。例如我們在表示提高生活質量的時候,很多學生習慣用improve one’s living standard。首先這個表達從語法上來説是沒有錯誤的,考官看不看得懂這個詞?考官是看得懂的,但是這個並不是美國人的習慣性表達。習慣的地道的表達就是improve one’s life。我們在選用詞彙的時候一定要注意選擇合適的精準的詞彙,而不要一味的偏向於使用長難詞。

最後,關於詞彙的多樣性。換詞是寫作中一個重要的技巧。當然前提是大家能夠換用成正確的詞彙。其實,換詞有兩個方法——換同義詞或近義詞以及換詞性。並不是所有的詞彙我們都知道它的同、近義詞,所以我們可以通過換詞性的方法來達到換詞的要求。例如,important的近義詞我們可以用significant,換詞性呢又可以將其換成importance,importantly等。所以在表達A is important.的時候我們還可以説成 A is significant.或者 A is of vital importance.


Demonstrates meaningful variety in sentence structure. 這裏的要求是讓大家寫出結構多變的句子。不要單調的只用主謂賓的形式。其實很多句型都可以使用。例如there be句型,形式主語開頭句,倒裝句,強調句,副詞開頭句等等。每個句型不要使用的太多,交叉使用即可。需要注意到的是有時候一些意思可以用簡單明瞭的方式表達出來就不要故意用一些累贅的句型去表達。注意到variety前面有個meaningful的限定。寫作在於自然,自然的運用各種句型。這需要考生在考前進行大量的訓練。孰能生巧。


Is free of most errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics. 評分標準中最後一項是關於語法的。在短短的25分鐘之內大家要寫出一篇完全沒有錯誤的'文章是不可能的。所以collegeboard也允許大家存在一定的錯誤。但是錯誤的數量不能太多。

中國學生普遍習慣性的錯誤主要在於:第三人稱單數,an/a的使用,詞彙搭配(詞彙後面的介詞搭配或者to do/doing 搭配等),主謂一致,一個句子出現兩個動詞以及用副詞連接兩個句子或用逗號連接兩個句子的情況。例如there be 句型中be動詞已經是一個動詞了,如果表達成 there is an example can support my point of view就錯了。兩種方法改正這個錯誤:1,there is an example that can support my point of view 用定語從句去解決兩個動詞的問題;2,there is an example to support / supporting my point of view 用分詞的形式作後置定語。其他的語法問題在這裏不贅述了。説出來其實學生都懂,在寫作的時候大家都習慣性忽略了。歸根結底是不認真和練習少了的緣故。



