
來源:文萃谷 1.25W

▲ 祝牛年吉祥,前程似錦,吉星高照,財運亨通,閤家歡樂,飛黃騰達,福如東海,壽比南山,幸福美滿,官運亨通,美夢連連。


▲ 祝你在牛年的日子裏,“錢”程似錦,“富”如東海,“瘦”比南山,“性”福美滿,“鑫”春快樂!!

▲ 牛兒到,鴻運照,煩惱的事兒往邊靠,祝君出門遇貴人,在家聽喜報!年年有此時,歲歲有今朝!-新春快樂!

▲ 歲末甫至,福氣東來,鴻運通天。否極泰來時重伸鯤鵬之志,惜時勤業中展君無限風采。祝牛年吉祥!!!

▲ 又是一年春來到,祝福滿天飄,飄到你也飄到我,恭賀新禧!新春愉快!萬事如意!心想事成!牛年大吉!

▲ 祝牛年吉祥,前程似錦,吉星高照,財運亨通,閤家歡樂,飛黃騰達,福如東海,壽比南山,幸福美滿,官運亨通,美夢連連。

▲ 新年好,新年好!給您拜年了!過去的一年我們合作的都很愉快,謝謝您的關照,祝您春節快樂!牛年吉祥如意!心想事成!

▲ 新春的鐘聲不停地敲,我的祝福不停地送。千言祝福一句話:新春快樂,祥瑞金牛。

▲ 新年好,新年好!給您拜年了!祝您牛年吉祥如意,如意吉祥!年拜完了,有沒有紅包啊?

▲ 新年好!牛年吉祥!衷心祝福你:上帝保佑你!真主關心你!菩薩愛護你!財神跟隨你!幸運之神伴隨你!

▲ 祝牛年行大運!仕途步步高昇、萬事勝意!麻雀得心應手、財源廣進!身體棒、吃飯香、睡覺安,閤家幸福,恭喜發財!

▲ 祝你牛年鴻運,運籌帷幄,執子之手,與子偕老;祝你立業成家,有佳人相助,築功成名,名揚四海。

▲ 又是一年春來到,祝福滿天飄,飄到你也飄到我,恭賀新禧!新春愉快!萬事如意!心想事成!牛年大吉!

▲ 在牛年即將到來之際,願我的祝福如冬日暖陽,春日清風,夏日陽傘,為你擋風阻沙,送去温暖,捎去清涼,除此別無他求。

▲ 新春到來喜事多,闔家團員幸福多;心情愉快朋友多,身體健康快樂多;一切順利福氣多,牛年吉祥生意多;祝願您好事多!多!多!

▲ 牛年到,財運到,福倒啦!祝年年有今日,歲歲有今朝!特別的愛給特別的你!真誠的祝福永遠永遠!祝牛年快樂!

▲ 新年又來了,向你問個好,辦事處處順,生活步步高,好運天天交,越長越俊俏,家裏出黃金,牆上長鈔票,還要天天笑。

▲ 堆積365天的想念,凝聚千絲萬縷的柔情,拼卻春夏秋冬的痴戀,採擷夜空璀璨的星宿,淘盡碧海千年的珠璣,只為傳送給你最精髓的祝願,春節快樂!

▲ 祝你新一年裏長帥點淑女點聰明點運碰點煩消點發財點活幹點樂找點苦稀點喜稠點哭少點笑多點要孝點,正好祝你13點。

▲ 當您看見這信息時,幸運已降臨到你頭上,財神已進了您家門,榮華富貴已離您不遠。祝福您朋友:新年快樂!

▲ 做人¥眉吐氣;學習¥¥得意;前程¥關大道;煩惱¥長而去;心裏暖¥¥;臉上喜¥¥!恭喜!恭喜!^_^!

▲ 天增歲月人增壽,春滿乾坤福滿門。三羊開泰送吉祥,五福臨門財源茂。恭祝新春快樂,幸福安康!!




One is always on a strange road, watching strange scenery and listening to strange music. Then one day, you will find that the things you try hard to forget are already gone.


Happiness is not about being immortal nor having food or rights in one's hand. It’s about having each tiny wish come true, or having something to eat when you are hungry or having someone's love when you need love.


Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow. When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere. Friend is who can give you strength at last.


I love you not for who you are, but for who I am before you.


Love makes man grow up or sink down.


If you can hold something up and put it down, it is called weight-lifting; if you can hold something up but can never put it down,it's called burden-bearing. Pitifully, most of people are bearing heavy burdens when they are in love.


We all live in the past. We take a minute to know someone, one hour to like someone, and one day to love someone, but the whole life to forget someone.


One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finally get your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness is kind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the people you love.


When you are young, you may want several love experiences. But as time goes on, you will realize that if you really love someone, the whole life will not be enough. You need time to know, to forgive and to love. All this needs a very big mind.


When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we are pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we've all grown up. And we become different.


If you leave me, please don't comfort me because each sewing has to meet stinging pain.


Don’t forget the things you once you owned. Treasure the things youcan’t get. Don't give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory.


I love and am used to keeping a distance with those changed in this way can I know what will not be abandoned by time. For example, when you love someone, changes are all around. Then I step backward and watching it silently, then I see the true feelings.


Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up. If love is a mountain, then if men go up, more women they will see while women will see fewer men.


Good love makes you see the whole world from one person while bad love makes you abandon the whole world for one person.


We shall always save a place for ourselves, only for ourselves. And then begin to love. Have no idea of what it is, who he is, how to love or how long it will be. Just wait for one love. Maybe no one will come out, but this kind of waiting is the love itself.


Is there anyone who hasn't suffered for the secret love? We always think that love is very heavy, heavy and could be the heaviest thing in the world. But one day, when you look back, you suddenly realize that it's always light, light. We all thought love was very deep, but in fact it's very thin. The deepest and heaviest love must grow up withthe time.


In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness


If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly. coz only she has is misfortune.


An unacceptable love needs no sorrow but time- sometime for forgetting.A badly-hurt heart needs no sympathy but understanding.
