
來源:文萃谷 1.53W



cr:買了陳向東的gmat邏輯推理,感覺很好,入門好東西,做過兩邊,邏輯關鍵還是思路。Lawyer的邏輯方法那個必看,如果時間實在緊,看那個再做遍og練習下就行了~多瞻仰瞻仰Lawyer的帖子,Lawyer rp好,每次都講的很詳細,推理過程寫的很細,通過瞻仰這樣的帖子有助於我們形成正確cr思路。邏輯推薦把做過的題反覆做,重視思路,不要回憶答案,專注於reasoning line,分清那些是無關信息,那些是reasoning line的主幹。這裏有個我考前一天才發現的竅門!!!自認為絕對重要的og的新用法!!!前牛們大都強調看og解釋,不錯,(雖然其實我覺得 lawyer講的更好)但有一點感覺大家忽略了,就是每道解釋後面都有個Situation,這個太關鍵了,考前一天看diagnostic test時才發現的,Situation把原本n長的原文刪減的其短無比,而刪減後的Situation竟包括所有解題的所需要的信息!!!這就是原文的 reasoning line,這就暴露了gmac認為哪些信息是大家常説的unrelated,哪些是解題關鍵!!!下面以一道題為例説明:

diagnostic test cr29

The Hazenlton coal-processing plant is a major employer in the Hazenlton area, but nationalenvironmental regulation will force it to close if it continues to use old, polluting processingmethods. However, to update the plant to use newer, cleaner methods would be so expensivethat the plant will close unless it receives the tax break it had requested. In order to prevent amajor increase in local unemployment, the Hazenlton government is considering granting theplant’s request.

Which of the following would be most important for the Hazenlton government to determinebefore whether to grant the plant’s request?

(A) Whether the company that owns the plant would open a new plant in another area if thepresent plant were closed.

(B) Whether the plant would employ far fewer workers when updated that it does now

(C) Whether the level of pollutants presently being emitted by the plant is high enough toconstitute a health hazard for local residents.

(D) Whether the majority of the coal processed by the plant is sold outside the Hazenlton area

(E) Whether the plant would be able to process more coal when updated than it does now.


Situation:Because of the expenses of mandatory updating, a plant that is a major employerin the local area will close unless it receives the tax break it has requested from the localgovernment.

看到妙處了麼?!!!原文那麼多行,實際上大都沒用,Situation只用了一句話便表達除了原文一大坨才説明白的問題,而且大家試試看,單看 Situation就可以做題了,因為Situation包含了所有解題需要的信息!!!這道題的特點是原文用句零碎,但信息與Situation一致,還有的Situation的特點是對題目中信息本身的.刪選,可惜發現的太晚來不及看了,也就沒過多加以研究,才開始複習的朋友在時間允許的情況下不妨多總結下,相信絕對鍛鍊對cr的信息篩選能力,判斷什麼是related information,什麼unrelated information是再加上lawyer的思路,估計就無敵了~

總體感覺,cr就是一種抓住要點,四兩撥千斤的意思,推出reasoning line後,根據reasoning line中的關鍵信息進行反駁或支持或評價等,比如還説這道題,原文一大坨就得出Situation那麼點,但正確選項只抓住amajor employer進行評價,這個a major employer就是四兩撥千斤關鍵點。所以對於cr,縷清reasoningline,抓住四兩撥千斤關鍵點差不多就ok了。
