
來源:文萃谷 1.9W

  aware a. 意識到的,知道的


例:I was aware of what he was aiming at. 我知道他在打什麼主意。I become aware that the house is shaking. 我感覺到房子在震動。搭配:be aware of sth. 當心某事,意識到某事:Be aware of those who fish in troubled waters. 當心那些混水摸魚的人。be aware that 意識到:He is quite aware that the danger is coming. 他意識到危險正在來臨。拓展:awareness n. 知道,曉得


A: Are you aware of the aspects of this position and do you feel you are qualified?

B: Yes, I understand my qualification and your needs by researching your company.

A: What starting salary do you expect?

B:¥5,000 a month.




B:月薪5,000元。【注】qualification n. 資格,條件

  balance n. ①天平 ②平衡 ③差額;v. 平衡

例:Do the firm’s accounts balance? 這家公司的賬目收支是否平衡? We would maintain the world balance of power at all costs. 我們將不惜一切代價維持世界權利均衡。搭配:in the balance 不明朗的:The long-term future of the space programme hangs in the balance. 航天計劃的長遠前景尚未明朗。off balance 使失去平衡:I was thrown off balance by the sudden gust of wind. 突如其來陣風差點把我吹倒。balance A against B 權衡重要性:The cost of obtaining legal advice needs to be balanced against its benefits. 要全面考慮法律諮詢的費用及其效益。拓展:balanced a. 均衡的,平衡的


A: I want to open a current account with your bank.

B: I’ll open it for you right now. Please fill in this form and show me your passport.

A: OK. Is there a minimum balance?

B: Yes, there must be at least one yuan to open an account.

A: Thank you.





A:謝謝!【注】minimum a. 最低的,最低限度的

  cancel v. 取消,撤銷

例:If the worst comes to the worst, well have to cancel our holiday plans. 要是情況不妙, 我們就只好取消度假計劃了。They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting. 他們不願意推遲或取消會議。搭配:cancel a debt 銷賬:You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your brother owes you. 若借給外人,可以向他追討。但若借給兄弟,只能銷賬了。 cancel out 抵消,對消:Recent losses have cancelled out any profits made at the start of the year. 最近的虧損與年出的盈利相抵消。拓展:cancellation n. 取消,撤銷


M: May I speak to Miss Liu, please?

W: Speaking. May I ask who is calling?

M: Yes, this is Mr. White. I ordered a suit yesterday with you but I don’t want it any more.

W: Do you mean you want to cancel the order?

M: Yes, may I?

W: Certainly.







  career n. 生涯,職業,事業

例:She experienced a loss of identity after giving up her career to get married. 她為了婚姻放棄了事業,之後有了一種失落感。搭配:career training 就業訓練:Online career training can get you started. 在線職業培訓可供你入門學習。career objective 求職目標:What’s your career objective? 你的職業目標是什麼?拓展:career-oriented a. 事業導向的

  charge v. & n. ①控告 ②使充電 ③進攻 ④ 收費

例:He was charged with murder. 他被控犯謀殺罪。How much do you charge for mending shoes? 修鞋要多少錢?All goods are delivered free of charge. 一切物品免費送貨。搭配:charge at撲向,進攻:He charged at me with his head down and both fists flying. 他低着頭,揮舞雙拳朝我衝來。charge against控告:The public prosecutor charged treason against the prisoner. 檢察官指控該罪犯犯有叛國罪。charge for 要價,收費:Plumbers charge by the hour for their work. 水管工人的工作是按小時收費的。free of charge 免費拓展:charger n. ①充電器 ②襲擊者

  compete v. 比賽,競爭

例:Japan is competing with other countries for world market. 日本正與其他國家競爭國際市常The young tennis player has often competed against famous players, but so far he has always been beaten. 那位年輕的網球運動員常與著名球員比賽,可是到目前為止,他從未贏過。搭配:compete with /against sb. for sth. 與某人競爭某物:The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. 孩子們爭先恐後地遊向池塘對岸。Small and independent bookstores simply can’t compete with big national chains. 小規模的個體書店無論如何也競爭不過大型的全國連鎖店。拓展:competition n. 競爭,競賽;competitive a. 競爭性的';competitor n. 競爭對手


A: Sometimes Im really tired of this kind of life.

B:Why ?

A:People always compete with one another. Life is full of competition.

B:To some extent you’re right. Competition is everywhere, and it is tough. We have to compete with others in order to survive. But that does not mean happiness has gone.





重點單詞 查看全部解釋 qualification [ɔlifi'keiʃən]

n. 資格,條件,限制

聯想記憶 X 單詞qualification 聯想記憶:

來自動詞qualify(具有資格,限制) qualified ['kwɔlifaid]

adj. 有資格的,有限制的

聯想記憶 X 單詞qualified 聯想記憶:

源於:qualify(v 使具有資格;限制) competition [kɔmpi'tiʃən]

n. 比賽,競爭,競賽

awareness [ə'wɛənis]

n. 認識,意識,瞭解

聯想記憶 X 單詞awareness 聯想記憶:

a+ware注視+ness→意識,知覺 independent [indi'pendənt]

adj. 獨立的,自主的,有主見的

n. 獨立

聯想記憶 X 單詞independent 聯想記憶:

in不+(de加強+pend=hang懸掛+able→可靠的)→獨立的 competitive [kəm'petitiv]

adj. 競爭的,比賽的

聯想記憶 X 單詞competitive 聯想記憶:

com共同+pet追求+itive表形容詞,“…的”→比賽的 understand [.ʌndə'stænd]

vt. 理解,懂,聽説,獲悉,將 ... 理解為,認為<

reluctant [ri'lʌktənt]

adj. 不情願的,勉強的

compete [kəm'pi:t]

vi. 競爭,對抗,比賽

聯想記憶 X 單詞compete 聯想記憶:

com共同,pet追求-共同追求一個目標-競爭 payment ['peimənt]

n. 支付,付款,報償,報應
