
來源:文萃谷 1.19W



  1. 表泛指的不可數名詞或複數名詞前。如:

Snow was failing. 正在下雪。

Children get a better education today than at any time in the past. 現今孩子們受的教育比過去任何時候都好。

  2. 倒裝的讓步狀語從句中:在as(雖然)引導讓步狀語從句前面的單數可數名詞前不用冠詞。如:

Child as he was, he knew how to help others. 他雖是個孩子,但已知識如何幫助別人。

  3. 某些特殊詞前:例如在man(人,人類), word(消息)的前面不用冠詞。如:

Man is a rational animal. 人是理性的動物

Word came that he had married again. 有消息説,他又結婚了。

又如動詞 turn(變成),go(變成)後作表語的名詞前通常用不用冠詞。如:

He was a teacher before he turned writer. 他在成為作家之前是教師

  4. 獨立主格結構中:在表示伴隨或補充説明用用的獨立主格結構中,名詞前不用冠詞。如:

The teacher came in, book in hand. 老師走進教室,手裏拿着書。

He was sitting in the chair, pipe in mouth. 他坐在椅子裏,嘴裏叼着煙斗。

  5. “(a) kind [sort] of+名詞”結構的“名詞”前:該結構中的“名詞”不管是單數還是複數,其前都通常用零冠詞。如:

This kind of book is very interesting. 這種書很有趣。

He is the sort of person I really dislike. 他這種人我真不喜歡。

  6. 表抽象意義的單數名詞前:當單數可數名詞含義抽象化具有形容詞意味時,通常用零冠詞。如:

I was fool enough to accept his offer. 我接受他的提議真是太傻了。

Are you man enough for this dangerous job? 你有勇氣敢做這項危險的.工作嗎?



By getting close to nature,you can really get refreshed.

Bicycles are still a popular means of transport inChina.


His car is much more expensive than mine.

  3 表示三餐、球類、類、學科、季節、年、月等的名詞前。

He has milk and bread for breakfast every day.

Of all the subjects,I like physics best.

Autumn is the harvest season.

  4 獨一無二的頭銜和職位名詞作表語、補足語或同位語時。

h was elected president of our school.


Tom has turned(=become a)professional player.

  6 表示交通方式的“by+名詞”中的名詞前。

He goes to work every day by taxi.
