
來源:文萃谷 2.52W

Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.以下是小編為大家搜索整理的成人學位英語考試真題解析訓練2017,希望能給大家帶來幫助!更多精彩內容請及時關注我們應屆畢業生考試網!


People used to say, "The hand that rocks the cradle(搖籃)rules the world. " And 56 every successful man there's a woman. 57these saying mean the same thing. Men58the world, but their wives rule them.

Most of the American women like 59 their husbands and60successful, 61 some of them want 62for themselves. They want63 jobs. When they work they want to be 64paid. They want to be as successful as65

The American women's liberation (解放)movement was started by women who don't want to 66 successful men. They want to stand 67 men, with the same chance for success. They don't want to be told that certain jobs or offices are 68 to them. They refuse to work side by side with men who do the same work for 69 pay.

A 70 woman must be 71of being a woman and have confidence( 自信)in 72 . If somebody says to her, "You've come a long way, baby. " She'll smile and answer, "Not nearly as 73 asI'm going to go, baby!"

This movement is quite new, and 74 American women do not agree. But it has already made some important changes in women's 75and in men's lives, too.

56. A. Under B. Beside C. Before D. Behind

57. A. NeitherB. AllC. Both D. Either

58. A. manageB. ruleC. control D. have

59. A. forcing B. to makeC. waiting D. looking

60 A. fathers B. mothersC. sonsD. daughters

61 A. but B. so C. thusD. or

62 A. little B. more C. everything D. nothing

63. A. light B. heavy C. no D. good

64. A. niceB. fairly C. continuously D. endlessly

65 A. husbands B. others C. menD. other women

66 A. stand behind B. move behind

C go before D. walk beside

67. A. against B. for C. behind D. beside

68. A. opened B. closed C. open D. close

69. A. a high B. the same C. a higherD. a different

70. A. liberated B. freeC. workingD. good

71. A. ableB. proud C. kindD. fond

72. A. her heart B. her positionC. herself D. her husband

73. A. far B. farther C. longD. distant

74. A. some B. all C. fewD. many

75. A. world B. lives C. society D. position




58.B從後半句…but their wives rule them可推斷,此處應填rule,即選B。








66.A從第一段behind every successful man there’s a woman以及傳統中婦女的'地位可以推斷出應選A項“婦女們不想站在成功男人的背後”。



閉的,應選B項;are close to是“與……近”的意思,所以D項正確。


70.A 根據The American women’s liberation(解放)was started…,推斷A正確

71.B be proud of…意為“以……而自豪,以……而驕傲”;be fond of意為“喜歡”;It is kind of sb.意為“某人真好”;沒有be able of的結構,所以選B。

72.c 婦女以自己是女人而自豪,對自己有信心,所以選C。

73.A此句是迴應You’we come a long way,ba-by,所以也應該用far,far做副詞,表示距離;long做形容詞,表示長度“距離長”,而做副詞時,表示時間長。


75.B從後面and in man’s lives,too可知發生改變的不僅是婦女的生活,而且也包括男人的生活,選B。
