
來源:文萃谷 1.44W







分析:核心信息是包容,熱情,活力。第一步,上述三詞可以翻為:inclusiveness,passion andvitalty/vigor。第二步,本句主語是“藍色”,所以最簡單的組句方式是:藍色代表着包容、熱情和活力。參考譯文:It symbolizes inclusiveness, passion and vitality/vigor.


分析:“和諧共存”、“開放”和“共贏”都有現成的譯文可以對應:harmoniouscoexistence,openness和 win-win。句中幾乎沒有比較“虛”的字詞,因此直接連接即可。參考譯文:Itaccords to the philosophy of harmonious coexistence, openness and win-win progress.


分析:“海納百川”就是包容的意思,“縱論天下”就是視野開闊的意思,後文是解釋前文的,含義重疊,同時考慮到“海納百川”和“縱論天下”相對比較“虛”,所以翻譯時兩個四字格可以完全省略,譯成It shows thatwe will adopt an inclusive approach ... and take a global perspective ....

當然,如果依然覺得有困難,臨場還可以把譯文做得更自由,表達出“我們應該包容和有遠見”即可:Weshould be tolerant and far-sighted.雖然不算太嚴謹,但也算是應急之策。

注意,不論是“包容”還是“海納百川”,都是歷年真題中已經考過的內容,不應該成為難點。2006年9月高口漢譯英真題中一句話:中國人提倡“海納百川,有容乃大”。參考譯文是The Chinese held that "oneshould be as inclusive as the ocean which is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers".


分析:三個四字格中後兩個都可以直譯(... has enormous potential and promises a brightfuture),只有第一個“人文薈萃”相對較難。其中,“人”可以理解為人才,“文”自然指文化,我們立刻就能寫出talents和culture兩個關鍵詞,它們和主語亞太地區(the Asia Pacific)邏輯關係無非是亞太地區有着豐富的文化和大量的人才。考慮到後兩個四字格已經譯成了兩個動詞詞組,故整句可以譯為:A region rich in cultureand talent, the Asia Pacific has enormous potential and promises a bright future.(個人譯文)

參考譯文:Some believed that rich human resources and cultural diversity held out greatpotential and bright prospects for the Asia-Pacific region,


分析:“問題叢生,麻煩不斷”指存在很多問題和麻煩。“問題”和“麻煩”可以分別譯為problems andtroubles,之後要和主語亞太地區連接,方法很多:This region was beset with/was confrontedwith/was faced with many problems and troubles.“不容樂觀”沒有令人樂觀的理由,故譯為couldhardly offer any reason for optimism,或者直接斷句,譯為There is not much reason foroptimism.如果還是不行,還有最後一種方案:“不容樂觀”和前句中“前景光明”存在反義關係,意即前景未必光明,因此可以譯為:It holds an uncertain future.或It doesn’t promise a bright future.


As we all know, “Lanting”, means the blue hall inChinese. People naturally associate the blue colorwith the sea and the sky. It symbolizes inclusiveness,passion and vitality, and it accords to thephilosophy of harmonious coexistence, opennessand win-win progress. It shows that we will adopt aninclusive approach, pool together the wisdom ofvarious sectors and deepen dialogue andexchanges. It also means that we will take a globalperspective, keep pace with the times and worktogether for development.

There were different views about the Asia Pacific in the 21st century. Some believed thatrich human resources and cultural diversity held out great potential and bright prospects forthe Asia-Pacific region, while others thought this region was beset with problems and troublesand could hardly offer any reason for optimism. Despite the various problems and challengesdue to reasons both of the past and present, peace, stability, cooperation and developmentrepresent the shared aspiration of the people and the trend of the times. What has happenedshows that the Asia Pacific is transforming into a dynamic, vibrant and promising region.


在翻譯四字格的時候,一定要注意四個字中詞與詞之間的關係。比如和諧共存,是偏正結構,即和諧的共存,所以可以用和諧的形容詞,harmonious, 因此譯成 harmonious coexistence。開放共贏,是並列關係,即開放和共贏,可譯成openness and win-win progress. 人文薈萃,可採用偏正結構,即豐富的人力資源以及文化多樣性,rich human resources and cultural diversity。前景光明也可採用英語中較多出現的偏正結構,即光明的前景,bright prospects。另外,還有四個字表示一個意思的,比如包容萬象,即包容性,inclusiveness, 海納百川,也是包容性的意思,即inclusiveness或者an inclusive approach。
