
來源:文萃谷 2.16W




每年農曆的正月十五是元宵節。早在兩千多年前的西漢時期(the Western Han Dynasty),元宵節就已經成為一個具有重要意義的節日。在這天,人們製作各種漂亮的燈籠、設計有趣的燈謎;同時多種表演,如舞龍燈、舞獅子、踩高蹺(walking on stilts)等也會上演。和其他中國傳統節日一樣,元宵節也有特定的食品,叫“湯圓(gluepudding) ”。漢語中,湯圓和“團圓”發音相似,代表着家庭團圓、和諧和快樂。


The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th day of the 1st lunar month. As early as more than 2,000 years ago, in the Western Han Dynasty, it had become a festival with great significance. On the Lantern Festival, Chinese people craft many types of beautiful lanterns and create many interesting lantern riddles. At the same time, performances such as dragon lantern dance, lion dance and walking on stilts will be staged. Just like China’s other traditional festivals, the Lantern Festival also has its own special dish— “Tangyuan, a glue pudding”. Tangyuan has a similar pronunciation with“tuanyuan (reunion)” in Chinese, representing reunion, harmony and happiness for the family.

1.每年農曆的.正月十五是元宵節:翻譯時,此句要按照英語表達習慣調整成“元宵節是在每年的農曆正月十五”。另外,表達“(慶典或特別事件) 在,適逢(某日)”用fall表示。

2.製作:一般會譯成make,但make通常不表示精巧地製作,所以此處可譯為 craft,即 make by hand and with muchskill。

3.燈謎:應譯為lantern riddles。

4.上演:可以用被動語態來表達, be staged,這樣譯文 更加通順,符合英語的表達習慣。

5.湯圓:短文中給的提示是glue pudding,而實際上西方人對中國食物中包子、餃子、湯圓這種帶焰的食物都叫dumpling,翻譯時也可用該詞。




The Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the8th lunar month, when the moon is the fullest andbrightest of the whole year. This festival has a verylong history. In ancient China, emperors followed thetradition of offering sacrifices to the sun in spring and to the moon in autumn. By the TangDynasty, the Mid-Autumn Festival had been fixed as a holiday, which became even grander inthe Song Dynasty. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, it grew to be a major festival of Chinatogether with the Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival and Dragon Boat Festival. On this day,people enjoy the full, bright moon, worship it and express their thoughts and feelings in themoonlight.


2.遵循着…傳統:常用follow the tradition來表達。

3.祭:指祭祀,sacrifice不僅有犧牲的意思,還可以表示祭品,因此祭日、 祭月、祭祖都可以用 offer sacrifices tothe sun/moon/ancestor 表達。

4.到唐代,中秋節…這一節日更為盛行:這兩句話主語都為“中秋節”, 故可以用連接詞which將兩句話連接起來,從而避免重複。

5.寄託個人情懷:按照漢語的語義,“寄託”表達的意境比較深刻,翻譯時, 可理解為“表達”,即express; “情懷”可譯為thoughts and feelings。


清明是我國二十四節氣(the twenty-four solar terms )之一,一般是在每年的4月4日至6日前後。人們慶祝清明節大約始於東周時代,距今已有兩千五百多年的歷史。清明過後,氣温逐漸上升,雨水也增多,表明了這是農民開始安排農耕活動的關鍵時期。同時,清明也是郊遊的大好時節,人們去户外踏青,並開展一系列消遣和體育活動。更重要的是,清明時節也是一個紀念祖先和已故親人的日子。



Qingming is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China, typically falling on April 4-6 each year. The celebration for the Qingming Festival can be traced back to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, with a history of over 2,500 years. After Qingming time, the temperature begins to rise up and rainfall increases, indicating that it is the crucial time for the farmers to arrange their farming activities accordingly. Meanwhile, it is the high time for spring outing, when people go out for fresh air, kinds of recreations and sports activities. More importantly, Qingming is also a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members.


1.始於:可譯為trace back to,表示“始於,可追溯到”。

2.表明了這是農民開始安排農耕活動的關鍵時期:該句較長,其譯文可採用現在分詞作伴隨狀語的結構,即indicating that it is the crucial time for the farmers to arrange their farming activities accordingly。accordingly 用 作副詞,通常置於句尾,意為“照着做;相應地”。根據對上下文的理解,可在此句的翻譯中加入accordingly,用於解釋某件事發生的原因和結果。我們在翻譯時要注意句式的變化,以避免英語譯文的單調乏味。

