
來源:文萃谷 2.22W




春聯(Spring Festival couplets),是中國特有的一種文學形式,有着悠久的歷史。春聯上的`文字簡潔、精巧,象徵着人們對未來的巨大期盼,表達人們對新年的美好願望。貼春聯是春節的一大傳統習俗,也是中國人歡度新年春節的重要方式。每逢春節,無論在城市還是農村,家家户户都要精心挑選一副大紅春聯貼在門上為節日增加喜慶(festive)氣氛。各家各户會根據自家的情況選擇不同內容的春聯,比如商人的家庭會張貼與發財有關的春聯,農民家庭則選擇表達豐收願望的春聯。


The Spring Festival couplet is a unique Chineseliterary form with a long history. The text ofcouplets is concise and delicate, which symbolizesthe Chinese great expectation for the future andconveys people's good wishes of the New Year. As atraditional custom during the Spring Festival, pasting couplets is also an important way for theChinese to celebrate the Spring Festival. During Spring Festivals, in both urban and ruralareas, each household will select a pair of red couplets carefully and paste them on the door toenhance the festive atmosphere. Each household would choose couplets with differentcontents according to their own circumstances. For instance, merchant families would paste thecouplets related to making a fortune, while farmer families would choose couplets expressingthe desire for a good harvest.

1.第一句中的“有着悠久的歷史”通常可以譯為with a longhistory作後置定語。再將其他部分譯為主句,使句子更加緊湊。

2.第二句中的“用來描繪時代背景,表達新年人們的美好願望”,可使用which引導的非限制性定語從句來表達,補充説明主語“春聯上的文字(the text of couplets)”。

3.第三句中的“貼春聯是春節的一大傳統習俗”可採用“as+名詞短語”的結構來表達,譯作as a traditional custom during the Spring Festival,置於句首。“也是中國人歡度春節的重要方式”則作為主句來翻譯。



春節是中國最重要,也是最熱鬧的古老節日之一。春節象徵着團結、興旺以及對未來寄予新的希望。據記載,中國人過春節已有四千多年的歷史。中同是個多民族的國家,各民族(nationality)過春節的形式各有不同。但是無論在中國的哪個地方,人們都會在春節期間全家團圓,吃年糕(New Year cake),餃子以及各種豐盛的飯菜。人們張燈結綵,燃放鞭炮,並互相祝福。


In China, the Spring Festival is one of the most significant and lively ancient festivals, which symbolizes unity, prosperity and new hopes for the future. It is recorded that the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival has lasted for more than 4,000 years. As a multi-ethnic country, different nationalities in China have various ways of celebrating the Spring Festival. However, wherever in China, people will have a family reunion during the festival, eating New Year cakes, dumplings and various hearty meals, decorating the houses with lanterns and festoons, setting off firecrackers and blessing each others.


1.春節:翻譯為the Spring Festival,注意前面一定要加上定冠詞the。—般説來,因際慣例假日前面通常不加the,但是中國的大多數傳統節日前面都需要加the。

2.據記載:對於這祌沒有明確指出記載來源的句子,一般翻譯為it is recorded that...如果後面給出了記載的來源,則可以譯為according to...。

3.過春節:過春節實際就是“慶祝春節這個節日”,所以可譯為celebrate the Spring Festival,用celebrate 來表達“過…的含義”。

4.全家團圓:翻譯為family reunion,"—家人從四面八方趕回來重聚在一起", 就是“全家團圓”,family reunion可以簡潔、準確地表達出這一意思。

5.張燈結綵:意思就是用燈飾和花彩裝飾房屋,因此可譯為decorate the houses with lanterns and festoons。
