
來源:文萃谷 1.24W



  New Words

<1>concernn.1.[U] a feeling of worry 擔心;憂慮

In the story the parents show their great concern for their daughter. 故事裏,父母對他們的女兒表現出極大的擔心。

The recent rise in crime is a matter of great public concern. 近來犯罪的增多是公眾非常擔憂的事情。

2.[C] sth. that makes sb. worried 關心的事;擔心的事

His main concern is to be able to provide money for his family. 他主要關心的是為家裏賺錢。

Your private life is not my concern. 你的私生活與我無關。

sb. feel worried 使擔心;使憂慮

It isn't your problem—don't concern yourself with it. 這不是你的問題,你用不着擔心。

What concerns me most is that despite pay increases, production has not improved. 最令我擔心的是雖然工資增加了,生產卻沒有上去。

about sth. 涉及,與...有關係

This article concerns the issue of generation gap. 這篇文章講的是代溝問題。

This study concerns couples' expectations of marriage. 這項研究涉及夫妻對婚姻的期待。

<2> a short, sharp sound 發出咔嗒聲

The key clicked in the lock. 鑰匙在瑣裏咔嗒響了一聲。

Her shoes clicked against the floor as she walked. 她走動時,鞋在地板上咔噔咔噔作響。

n.[C] a short, sharp sound 咔嗒聲

The door opened with a click. 門咔嗒一聲開了。

I heard a click, and then the phone went dead. 我聽到咔嗒一聲電話就掛了。

<3>uce a lot of noise, esp. music 發出響亮的聲音(尤指音樂)

Music blasted from the radio. 收音機裏猛地響起了音樂。

A machine gun blasted just outside the tent. 帳篷外,機關槍突然嘟嘟嘟地響起來。

k up by explosion 爆破

They had to blast their way through the mountainside. 他們不得不沿着山坡炸出一條路來。

The first shot missed and blasted a hole in the wall. 第一槍打偏了,在牆上炸出了一個洞。

n.[C] an explosion 爆炸

The blast completely destroyed the building. 爆炸徹底摧毀了這棟建築。

The blast killed 168 people and hurt hundreds. 爆炸炸死了168人,炸傷了數百人。

<4>; forward 出來;向外

The sun came forth from behind the clouds. 太陽從雲後出來。

The house was still burning with thick black smoke pouring forth. 房子還在燃燒,冒出濃濃的黑煙。

<5>burstvi.(burst, burst) move somewhere suddenly or quickly, esp. into or out of a place 衝,闖

Several students burst into the schoolmaster's office just as he was about to leave. 校長正要離開時,幾個學生闖進了他的辦公室。

She burst out of the room without saying a single word. 她什麼也沒説,衝出了房間。

<6> bad or unpleasant 糟糕的;使人不愉快的

This tastes horrible! 真難吃!

The weather has been really horrible all week. 這一週天氣真是糟糕透了。

king; frightening 可怕的;令人恐懼的

What a horrible story! 可怕的故事!

It's horrible to hear that so many people in the world are hungry and don't have food. 聽到世界上有這麼多人捱餓,沒東西吃,感到很可怕。

<7>stuffn.[U] sth. that one does not know the correct name 東西

What's the green stuff at the bottom of the bottle? 瓶底上那綠色的是什麼東西?

I don't know how we're going to get all this stuff into the car. 我不知道我們如何將這些東西全部搬進車裏去。

sth. into a space 填;塞

The pillow was stuffed with feathers. 枕頭裏塞滿了羽毛。

The rooms are stuffed with antiques and priceless treasures. 這幾間房子都塞滿了古董和無價之寶。

<8>rhythmn.[C, U] a regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 節奏

I'm not keen on the tune but I love the rhythm. 我不特別喜歡那曲調,但喜歡它的節奏。

You need to feel the rhythm of the music in order to dance properly. 為了跳好舞,你需要感受音樂的節奏。

<9> sth. suddenly or roughly 抓住,奪得

Helen grabbed the toy car from her little brother. 海倫搶去了弟弟手上的玩具汽車。

She grabbed her clothes and ran out when the alarm went off. 警報響起時,她抓起衣服就往外跑。

<10>uding every possible detail 全面的,徹底的

The doctor gave the patient a thorough check-up. 醫生為病人做了全面檢查。

The police made a thorough search of the house and found the child hiding under a chair. 警察徹底搜查了那所房子,發現孩子藏在椅子下。

<11> thoroughly ad. carefully and completely 完全地;徹底地

We thoroughly enjoyed our holiday. 我們假期玩得非常開心。

Eating only thoroughly cooked foods will reduce your risk of illness. 只吃完全煮熟的食物可以減少生病的危險。

<12>makeupn.[U] paint, powder, creams, etc. that people put on their face 化粧

She hadn't taken off her stage makeup yet when I saw her. 我見到她時她還沒有缷去戲粧。

After I put on my makeup, I'll be ready to go with you to the restaurant. 我化好粧後,就準備和你去飯館。

<13>toastn.1. [U] bread made brown by heating 烤麪包

He had toast for breakfast. 他早餐吃了烤麪包。

She had a slice of toast and a cup of coffee. 她吃了一塊烤麪包,喝了一杯咖啡。

2. [C] an act of drinking, esp. in order to thank sb., wish sb. luck, etc. 祝酒,乾杯

We drank a toast to our teacher's health. 我們乾杯祝老師身體健康。

I'd like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. 我提議為新娘新郎乾杯。

up one's glass and wish sb. success, happiness, luck, etc. 祝酒,乾杯

Let's toast the friendship between our two countries. 讓我們為兩國的友誼乾杯。

Let's toast Edward for a job well done. 讓我們為愛德華出色的工作乾杯。

<14> unpleasant 令人厭惡的,令人反感的

A bad egg has a disgusting smell. 臭蛋味道很難聞。

Rubbish was piled everywhere—it was disgusting. 到處堆着垃圾,真叫人噁心。

<15>bugvt.(infml.) bother; annoy; trouble 打擾;使煩惱

It really bugs me when people come around without calling first. 有些人不先打電話就來,實在討厭。

It just bugs me that I have to work so many extra hours for no extra money. 我必須加班加點地幹這麼多小時,卻沒有額外的工錢,實在讓人煩惱。

<16>eyelinern.[C] 描眼膏;眼線筆

French eye-liners are well-known to the world. 法國眼線筆世界有名。

She was wearing thick, black eyeliner. 她描了濃濃的黑色眼線。

<17>tattoon.[C] patterns made by putting ink into the skin 文身

She said she hated to see the tattoo on his arm. 她説她討厭看見他手臂上的`刺紋。

He has a tattoo of a snake on his left arm. 他的左臂刺了一條蛇。

patterns made by putting ink into the skin 在身上刺文身

He had the words "I love you" tattooed on his chest. 他胸前文着“我愛你”的字樣。

The man's left arm was tattooed with a snake. 這男人的左臂刺了一條蛇。

<18> a hole in 穿孔於,打眼於

Many women have pierced their ears. 很多女士都紮了耳朵眼。

Rose underwent emergency surgery after a bullet pierced her lung. 一顆子彈穿了她的肺後,羅斯做了緊急手術。

<19> fast or run away suddenly 奔;竄

The noise of the explosion made the horses bolt. 一聲爆響,把那些馬嚇跑了。

Before I could say a word, she turned and bolted out the front door. 不等我説話,她轉身就竄出了前門。

<20>ing ill, worried, or anxious 不適的;心煩的;苦惱的

Phone and tell the teacher that you get an upset stomach. 打電話告訴老師你的胃不舒服。

I was quite upset at losing my purse. 我丟了錢包,心裏非常不快。

vt.(upset, upset) make sb. worried, anxious, or ill 使心煩;使苦惱;使不適

The news of his son's disappearance upset him. 他兒子失蹤的消息使他心煩意亂。

What upsets me most is the fact that she told a lie. 最讓我不安的是她撒了謊。

<21>knotn.1. [C] an uncomfortable feeling, esp. in the stomach, caused by fear, anger, etc. 緊張(感);心窩揪緊

a knot of fear 一陣恐懼

There was a knot of tension in his stomach. 他感到一陣緊張。

2. [C] a join made by tying rope, cloth, etc. (繩索、布條等打成的)結

Please tie a knot at the end of rope. 請在繩子的一端打個結。

Can you help me undo the knot? 幫我打開這個結好嗎?

<22> bad or unpleasant; terrible 糟糕的;可怕的

It would be awful if they found out. 如果他們知道了真相,那就糟了。

I felt awful about not being able to help. 我幫不上忙,心裏很難受。

<23>tunen.[C] a number of musical notes that form a pleasing pattern of sound 曲調;旋律

I can't remember the tune of that song. 我記不起那首歌的調子。

I've heard that tune before, but I don't know the words to the song. 我聽過這個曲子,但記不起歌詞了。

<24> out tune; not having a pleasant tune 不成調的;不悦耳的

A young man walked by, singing a tuneless song. 一個年輕人從身邊走過,哼着不成調的歌。

The song is tuneful, but her voice is tuneless. 歌很有旋律,可她的嗓子不動聽。

<25>ing offence; unpleasant 討厭的;令人不快的

There are complaints that the advertisement was offensive to women. 有人投訴説這則廣告是對女性的冒犯。

There is an offensive smell in the room. 房間裏有難聞的氣味。

<26>lyricn.[C] (~s) words of a song, esp. a popular song 歌詞

I like the lyrics of this song. 我喜歡這首歌的歌詞。

He wrote some great music, but the lyrics he wrote weren't that good. 他創作了一些好音樂,但他寫的歌詞不怎麼樣。

<27>appealvi.1. (to) attract; interest 使喜歡;吸引

This music is too old-fashioned to appeal to young people any longer. 這音樂太老,不能再吸引年輕人。

The idea of working abroad really appeals to me. 到國外工作對我真的有吸引力。

2. make a strong request for help, support, etc. 懇請;呼籲

The police are appealing to the public for any information about the murder victim. 警方呼籲公眾提供有關被害者的情況。

The police have appealed to anyone with information to come forward and talk to them. 警察呼籲所有知情的人來和他們談談。

<28> longer annoyed by sb. or sth. unpleasant or unwanted 擺脱...的

Just give him the money and you can be rid of him. 給他點錢,你就可以擺脱他了。

Take the medicine, and you can get rid of this cold. 把藥吃了,感冒就好了。

vt.(rid, rid) make sb. or sth. free from sth. unpleasant or unwanted 使擺脱,使去掉

You must rid yourself of these old-fashioned ideas. 你必須拋掉這些陳舊的觀念。

Will science finally rid us of this disease? 科學最終會讓我們根除這種疾病嗎?

<29> piercing n. [C] a hole made through part of one's body in order to wear jewelry there 刺穿的孔

She has piercings in both of her ears. 她兩耳都打了耳朵眼。

Body massage and ear piercing are offered at the small shop. 這家小店提供身體按摩和穿耳孔服務。

<30> or harmful 不好的;負面的;消極的

I'm feeling very negative about my job—in fact I'm thinking about finding a new one. 我覺得我的工作很沒勁,事實上我正考慮找一份新工作。

All this had a negative effect on my work. 所有這些對我的工作都產生了負面影響。

ng or meaning no 否定的

What is the negative form of this word? 這個詞的否定形式是什麼?

He gave a negative answer without any explanation. 他沒有解釋,只是給了否定回答。

<31>influencen.[C, U] an effect on sb. or sth. 影響;作用

The fact that he's rich and famous had no influence on our decision. 他有錢有名氣,但這不會影響我們的決定。

The parents were worried about the influence of Western films and TV programs on their children. 父母們擔心西方電影和電視節目會影響孩子。

an effect on 影響

You must decide for yourself. Don't let anyone else influence you. 你必須自己決定,別受他人的影響。

How much does TV advertising really influence what people buy? 電視廣告對人們購物的影響到底有多少?

<32>patiencen.[U] the quality of being able to remain calm, esp. when there is a difficulty or one has to wait a long time 耐心;忍耐(性)

I'm sorry. I've got no patience with people who don't even try. 對不起,我不能容忍那些連試一下都不肯的人。

This type of medical research requires great patience. 這種醫學研究需要極大的耐心。

<33>anchorn.1.[C] sb. or sth. that provides support and a feeling of safety 依靠,靠山

Parents need to be an anchor for their children. 父母應當是孩子的靠山。

Dad was the anchor of the family and I could always go to him for help. 爸爸是家裏人的依靠,我隨時可以去找他幫忙。

2. [C] a heavy metal object that is dropped into the water from a boat in order to keep the boat in one place 錨

In the morning we weighed anchor and sailed on. 清晨我們起錨繼續航行。

We dropped anchor a few yards offshore. 我們在離岸幾碼遠的地方拋錨。

<34>identityn.[C] who or what a person or thing is 身份;本體

To escape the police, he had to conceal his identity. 為了躲避警方,他不得不隱瞞身份。

She applied for a teaching job under a false identity. 她用假身份申請從事教書工作。

Phrases and Expressions

<35>along withtogether with 一起,一道

Along with hundreds of others, she lost her job when the factory closed. 工廠倒閉,她和其他幾百名工人一起失去了工作。

The mother was saved from the fire along with her baby. 母親和嬰兒都被從火中救了出來。

<36>turn offstop using a piece of equipment by moving a switch 關閉

Please turn all the lights off as you leave the building; we can't afford to waste power. 離開時請將所有的燈關掉,我們浪費不起電。

She turned off the water, dried herself, and dressed in jeans and a shirt. 她把水關掉,擦乾身上的水,然後穿上牛仔褲和襯衫。

<37>burst into1. enter a place suddenly 闖入

She burst into the manager's office and demanded to speak to him. 她衝入經理辦公室,要求當面跟他説話。

His partner was so excited about the news that he burst into the room to tell him. 他的夥伴聽到這消息非常激動,衝進房間去告訴他。

2. start suddenly 突然開始

She burst into laughter. 她突然笑了起來。

Afterwards, she went straight to the ladies' room and burst into tears. 然後,她徑直走進衞生間哭了起來。

<38>over and over again and again; repeatedly 一再,反覆

Read the word over and over until you can say it correctly. 一遍一遍地讀這個單詞,直到你讀對了為止。

They kept asking the same question over and over again. 他們反覆問同一個問題。

<39>reach formove one's hand or arm in order to touch or hold sth. 伸手去摸;伸手去取

There was no time for me to reach for my gun. 我來不及伸手掏槍。

There was a noise outside, so Bill reached for his flashlight. 比爾聽到外面的聲響,便伸手去拿手電筒。

<40>turn upincrease the amount of heat, sound, etc. by moving a switch 調大,開大

He turned the heat up because it was very cold inside the house. 他把暖氣開大了點,因為屋裏非常冷。

Is the sound turned up too loud for you? 你看這聲音是否開得太大了?

<41>turn downreduce the amount of heat, sound, etc. by moving a switch 調小,開小

She could not bear the music and turned down the volume. 她受不了這種音樂,於是把音量關小了。

Can you turn the TV down? I'm trying to work. 你能把電視的聲音開小點嗎?我正想靜心工作呢。

<42>as well asin addition to 除...之外;和

He's worked in Japan as well as Italy. 他在日本工作過,也在意大利工作過。

Flowers are chosen for their scent as well as their look. 選花既要聞其香,又要觀其色。

<43>turn oncause water, gas, etc. to flow or equipment to operate 打開開關

Please turn on the light for me; it's getting dark. 天黑了,請給我開開燈。

Jack turned on his computer and checked his email. 傑克打開電腦,查看電子郵件。

<44>as usualin the way that happens most of the time 像往常一樣,照例

Everything went on as usual, as if nothing had happened. 一切照常進行,好像什麼也沒發生過。

As usual, they'd left the children at home with the babysitter. 像往常一樣,他們將孩子留在家裏由保姆看管。

<45>in peace and quietcalmly; in a peaceful state 平靜地

I'm tired—can't you just leave me in peace and quiet? 我累了,你不能讓我靜一靜嗎?

I wish she would just leave me in peace and quiet so that I can think about the problem without interruption. 我希望她能讓我靜一靜,這樣我可以不受干擾,好好想一想這個問題。

<46>wake up (cause to) stop sleeping (使)醒來

Wake up, Jimmy, it's 8: 00. 醒醒,吉米,八點鐘了!

I'll wake you up when it's time to leave. 到了走的時候我會叫醒你。

<47>make one's blood boil make sb. angry 使某人生

Her tuneless music made her father's blood boil. 她那難聽的音樂使她父親很生氣。

Whenever I think about it, it makes my blood boil. 我一想起它就生氣。

<48>get rid of 1. free oneself from sth. unwanted or unpleasant 擺脱;除去

I've tried all sorts of medicines to get rid of this cold. 為了治好感冒,我已經試了各種藥物。

This is an effective way to get rid of weeds. 這是一種除草的有效方法。

2. throw away or destroy sth. that one does not want丟棄;扔掉

We're moving, so we have to get rid of a lot of our old furniture. 我們要搬家,不得不扔掉很多舊傢俱。

We should encourage the governments of the world to get rid of all nuclear weapons. 我們應該鼓勵各國政府銷燬所有的核武器。

<49>knots in one's stomachan unpleasant tight feeling 緊張,不安

He said he felt knots in his stomach. 他説他感到不安。

She had knots in her stomach before meeting his parents for the first time. 她第一次見他的父母時感到緊張。

<50>in any caseno matter what happens 無論如何;不管怎樣

The cost may be lower than we first thought, but in any case it will still be a lot. 費用也許比我們當初想象的低,但無論如何仍相當可觀。

I don't understand why you're against it. In any case, I'm going to try. 我不明白為什麼你不同意,無論如何我要試一試。

<51>talk sth. over talk about sth. thoroughly and seriously, esp. in order to settle a problem or reach a decision 商議;討論

If you're worried about this change of career, why don't you talk it over with your family? 如果你對這次變換職業擔心的話,為什麼不和家人商量一下呢?

She wanted me to go to her office to talk things over. 她要我到她辦公室把事情談清楚。

  Proper Names

<52>Sandy 桑迪(人名)

<53>Steve Finch 史蒂夫·芬奇(人名)

<54>Jane 簡(人名)
